Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Black Friday!

Hello Charlie! 

It is the first time that I write to you so I am going to talk about something I like (and reflects me): Black Friday. It is the combination of shopping and wasting less money (I am miserly). 
This enormous sale happens every year, during the day after thanksgiving which is the fourth Thursday of November. It is from the US and has nowadays spread to the whole world. The concept has come to life in 1932 as an unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Now it is the same thing except shops do sales! 

But why the term 'Black Friday' ? It seems to be called that way because of the massive  crowd, without any vital spaces, that is becomes "black" during the fourth Friday of November. Later off, it has been called "the busiest shopping and traffic day of the year" by the New York Times.
in 1939

This particular event/day work so well that most shops expand their open time because it brings a lot of profit and they want to make even more. And it has spread in others countries like France (even if it is comparatively small in our country) or England... Even on internet. 

Warning: It can be dangerous!

So if you like big sales, be prepared for the Black Friday!!
PS: It is happening in two days ;)


  1. Thank you, I knew what Black friday was but I didn't know where the name came from and this is quite interesting! I also like the comparison before/now with the two photos...

  2. Well, Black Friday is not really an event in France. We do it as well (because now part of our own culture is also the American one), but the prices do not change that much. So it's like, a little sale that does not like so long, we don't get much out of it :/ It sure looks interesting in the US, though...

  3. Black Friday is becoming scary these days... this is why on this day, I'll be praising the All Mighty, the Creator of Valve, the Messiah that brought us Half-Life. For thee is our lord and saviour, the king of Steam Sales: OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR GABEN!

    *hum hum*

    Seriously, I'll be watching Steam all day to get there sweet -90%

    1. Omg there's a Steam sale ? You brightened my day, Kellian

    2. The autumn sale + black friday yesterday... I never saw prices so low before. No joke, Adrian could get Civ 5 complete edition at -92%! (I will have another person to play this game with :3)

    3. Oh, I looked it up and prices weren't so interesting on the games I want... Apparently they get better during the Summer sale

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ughh I'm usually the kind of person who really likes to buy new things but I have to admit that I don't think I'll "participate" to the black friday this year T.T
    I've spent all of my money at the Hero Festival (I'll maybe write an article about it by the way!) so guess who's broke now? >v>"
    Anyways, your article was interesting and congrats for your first article! ♥

  6. I didn't know there was a name for the beginning of this period... thank you to have taught me something!

  7. Um... wouldn't the name come from the historical Black Friday of 1873 with the crash of the Vienna Stock Exchange that was the beginning of the Great Depression ? Like, it'd be logical. It's called Black Friday because it was mostly unexpected and all the prices of shares fell, so since modern Black Friday is about shopping sales, it makes sense, doesn't it ? (Btw, Mr Lévêque, I'm sorry if I'm wrong, I did this mostly from memory and just looked up the date on wikipedia)

  8. Ahaha, as always, I'm too late!
    I didn't know that Black Friday was that famous in France. I thought that it was only in the US. Never mind, thanks to you I will be better informed next year!
    Thank you for your article sweetie!
