Friday, June 04, 2021

Take Care Of Your Planet

 Do you know how to help the world without leaving your house? If not, this article is especially for you!

- You can compost plants, which is the act of mixing organic food leftovers with sand to turn it into compost (fertilizer), this process can be done in your backyard or balcony (if you live in an apartment). The area should be illuminated and well ventilated. In the future, you can donate that compost to a farm or to someone who has an organic greenhouse.

- Eco points are places for the voluntary delivery of small volumes of rubble, large objects, such as furniture, tree pruning, and recyclable waste. It is important to contact your city hall to find the eco points closest to your home and make the correct disposal. The tip isn't exactly without leaving your house but these eco points could be extremely near you.

- Surround yourself with green.You can combat the monotony of your home by filing your space with plants. From things you can plant on your own, like flowers to already-potted plants like ferns and spider plants that just need tending, even people with a black thumb can benefit from a little green. 

- Eat local. These days you may be spending more time making your own meals. As you cook for yourself and your family, take a moment to look at what you eat and where it comes from. For most of us, food comes from the grocery store through a long supply chain that sources food nationally and globally. But with a little more time, you can spare the convenience factor and source your food locally. In many places, farmers markets operate under essential food production, just like grocery stores. They give consumers the opportunity to shop locally, supporting the local economy and nearby businesses while also having a better handle on your own food supply chain. 

Reduce, reuse recycle

- Turn off the lights


  1. Very interesting, I might add that you can buy products from farms at markets or at Castellane there is a selling point in the subway where you can buy vegetables baskets if you want to try that out! You can also reduce meat consumption (and that does not mean necessarily becoming vegetarian) as it is also a big factor in environmental issues. But I definitively will try to buy more plants ;)

    1. I totally agree.
      Also, there is a market every Wednesday in the "Cours Julien" if anyone is interested in buying local and organic food. :D

  2. Hey! Thanks for this article which I find really useful.I love the fact that you give us some tips to protect our planet (I will try to remember them and to follow them everytime I can). It's great to give information to people, especially young people, about such an important subject nowadays as taking care of our planet. We are the future generation and we have the power to make things better, so why are we waiting for ?
