Sunday, September 30, 2018

World Of Potter

Good morning everyone.

For my 1st post on the blog, I've decided to write about the Online Harry Potter RPG Universe.

Didn't you ever dream of going to Hogwarts ? With World Of Potter, it's possible.

But first of all, what is an RPG? It's a "Role-Playing Game", it means that you are playing a character in a fictional setting, you have to imagine a person, boy or girl, that you'll play during your free-time in a fictional world.

Here, the world is Harry Potter's so you'll be able to create a "fake" name and personality. Then, you'll make decisions for your character and talk with other players that may become the "virtual friends" of your character.

Naturally, RPG isn't only creating a fake identity and pretend to be someone else, it's for people who wanna improve their writing by interacting with other players in writing stories and being in harry potter's world in the same time ( who is quite amazing ).

Besides, you can receive an opinion, good ( that will encourage you to continue ) or bad ( that will make you progress by correcting your errors ) from the readers.

Now that you know what an RPG is, I'm going to talk about the world of potter's one.

In this RPG, you start playing a character you created ( name, age, gender, personality ) who is 11 years old ( age of a Hogwarts student's 1st-year  ), then you'll to take the tests to know which house you are ( which is sooo cool, it's just like in the movies ) and you'll have to buy stuff to begin the year, after that you'll learn lessons of the subjects in Hogwarts like metamorphosis, do your homework and have grades just like a real student.

At the end of the year, ( which is 11 weeks ) there are examinations. When you finish your Hogwarts years ( 7 ), you can become a journalist, teacher and many other jobs.

There is a chat where you can discuss with other players and many rooms you can choose at the top of the screen like Hogwarts Express or King's Cross Station and many others where you can write stories/RPG.

But, there are rules you must respect under penalty of being expelled under an undeterminated time.

I personally really liked this RPG because you're really into it and you have to devote a lot of time in homework and lessons so it's just like you're in a real high school and here it's Hogwarts which is practically everyone's dream.

Though, this is the problem, I devoted myself too much on this website until I learned to be organized and found how to be able to distinguish between the RPG ( which is virtual ) and my real life.

I met pretty cool people and spent an enjoyable time on WOP ( World Of Potter ) even if it was hard at the beginning to find free time for my real homework and lessons and the one of the RPG.

And thanks to this website, I learned how to be organized for both and now that I don't play anymore, I know how to have time for work and free-time for my hobbies.

I really suggest you this game because you can talk to people from everywhere who have something in common with you, they love Harry Potter. On the other hand, you'll improve your writing and learn loads of really interesting facts you didn't know in the lessons, like Defense Against the Dark Arts ( and many other subjects ).

Anyway, let me know if you join the community and if you liked this article.



  1. Your article is very interesting, This game sounds super cool and I hope I'll have the time to try it out

    1. Thank you, and if you find time to try it, let me know.

  2. Great choice of subject! Harry Potter is THE best

  3. That's so cool! I really like RPGs too, but I never heard of this one. Thanks for making me discover it :)

  4. Really enjoyed reading your article , great fan of harry potter so you found the way to my heart 👌

  5. I love Harry Potter too ! Great article , this game seems interesting !
