Sunday, September 30, 2018

My thoughts on moving around the world:

Moving to different countries and cities has definitely been a big part of my life for the past couple of years. I lived in three different continents in total; Europe, America, and Africa. Moving has its pros and cons. 

For example, moving to America taught me English. So I’m very thankful for the amazing experience I got to have. But moving there was very hard for me. I spoke only a little English and was very lost for the first few months (i was in an American school). It was honestly annoying to not understand a word of what the teacher was saying all day long. But with time, I started to understand a little more everyday, and was beginning to talk to the other American kids (who were so nice). Some of them I’m still friends with, in fact, I saw two of my very close friends this summer that I had not seen since 6th grade, so 4 years. 

 I then moved to Tunisia. It was my favorite country out of all of them. I already kind of knew what Tunisia was like because I am half Tunisian and used to go every summer to see my family before I started living there. But I quickly realized going there for vacation and actually living there are two totally different things. I went to a French private school there and became friends with a lot of amazing people whom I’m still friends with today. Living there got me to really  explore the country (which I really recommend  by the way ;), some of my favorite places there are:

 Tozeur (it’s in the desert area), 

La Marsa In Tunis (my neighborhood),

and also Hammamet (a town not far from the capital, Tunis, that has amazing beaches).

 I also got to learn a little Arabic, but only a little because it is a very hard language. I find their alphabet very beautiful though! (This is how you write my name in Arabic: سيرين, that is basically the only thing I know how to write now, I used to know the whole alphabet but completely forgot it when I moved back to France…) . 
So, like I said I then moved back to France, spent one year in « École de Provence » and then as you all probably can figure out, went to St. Charles to study English in the OIB section. It’s only been a few weeks so I can’t really write about how I like it here because I still have a lot to discover, but for now, I’m loving it!

In conclusion, moving was a little hard sometimes but I do not regret any of the trips I made with my family! It is such a great experience and I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to meet so much new people and discover such beautiful places and cultures.


  1. That is a really nice article maybe you be able to write another version with your feelings in OIB lately😄

  2. Interesting & cool article Sisou ! 👍

  3. Moving around the world is such a nice experience because discovering other cultures is interesting !

  4. Great article sirine ! I loved it

  5. Thank you for sharing the countries you preferred to live in, I enjoyed getting to know your opinion on them ;) I understand that it can be hard to move often but I'm glad you had the occasion to meet new people and expand your culture. I hope you like Marseille !
