Monday, December 03, 2018

End of the trimester thoughts

Okay so basically I'm posting this article for my involvement grade (am I too real?), I'm not going to lie like most students as I am a pure, innocent and honest boy who just wants a good average at the end of the trimester.

Today. Was. A. Rough. Day. And to anyone who doesn't agree: fight me. Did I wake up at 6:40am to see burned trash cans? No. Did I take the bus, the metro and walked for 40mn to jump and scream because of firecrackers? No. Yet, I was there, watching those guys putting the trash cans on the road. *sigh*

The best part of the day was when my entire class thought that we didn't have class this afternoon just before we got an email from Mr. Dusserre (I don't even know how to write his name) saying that we did. Did I say that it was a rough day? Let me say it again. It. Was. A. Rough. Day.

But to be honest, seeing my friends who were in Canada the past weeks gave me some positive vibes. They are all so good looking, aren't they? By the way, Gabrielle snatched my wig so if you find it please contact me!!

Now, I have a problem. I've been telling myself that it was just one tough week FOR 3 WEEKS. I was like "hey, it's the end of the trimester, the teachers are panicking because the holidays are coming" but am I a homework robot or something? This boy right here is trying to find a meaning behind life, and accountancy (I'd love to say that SES saved my life but N to the O) is not going to help me.

It'S ChRiStMaS!1!1!

Well not exactly but I'm feeling the mood, it's a shame the teachers are reluctant to offer us some homework-free weeks. THAT would be a very much welcomed gift. Anyway, if you are my secret Santa please put your entire life into my gift, because I'm still not over my gift from last year. Not that Ferrero Rocher is not good, but did I spent 3 hours making the gift I offered to get a chocolate box that you can get in 10 minutes? Again, no.

I'm really sorry this article is not very interesting, nor philosophical or crazily educative (because we all need a reminder on numbers at some point) but I think a lot can relate to me? And if I made you laugh, then I'm happy (I totally deserve the "clown of the class" title in the yearbook, sue me).


  1. Mathis you are a MOOD (Mrs C if you're reading this sorry for not coming to class today but as this article stressed it was a rough day and well. i didn't plan on coming back home just to receive an e-mail saying that i should actually come back to school)

  2. HONNNEY. same, honestly, same.

  3. As a matter of fact, you made me laugh ! Thank you !

  4. Yes. The tag and the article just fit the spirit of the time.

    1. they call it.. the ... zeitgeist

    2. Mrs. Choffrut has been showing me how to be efficient for over a year now so yeah~

  5. its refreshing to read this article, it feels rough and true. Thanks!

  6. Intriguing. You should write articles like that more often.

  7. Looks like it was the right time for me to fly off to Scotland, enjoy the smell of burned trash in the morning <3

  8. You deserve best gif choice in your articles as a title in the yearbook, too

  9. this article proves me once again that you're THAT b ugh ily and listen to mamamoo to gain strenght i guess hihi <3

  10. I admire you so much for saying that you're writing an article for your involvement grade, I think personnaly that this week was a huge week in all the meanings. I mean like, dor the students that longed to have class, tthemdl rhat tried to bring to life their AIDS event and also for the students that organised the blockade and woke up every morning at Incredibles hours to bring bins in front of the school and going to meeting, taking tear gas... In short it was a week to remember

    1. Yep I agree, it looks like you managed to sum up the week-long 'MDL chat' in a few lines hehe

  11. How could I imagine so many things were going through your head during our Shakespearean performance and the distress that emanated from it ¿??
    BRAVO and good luck jdjdjf
