Thursday, June 03, 2021

The Wilds

  Hello everyone, today, I'll talk about a series which released last year. It's the Wilds created by Sarah Streicher. I watched it a week ago, and it's awesome. It talks abouta group of teenage girls who are left on a deserted island after a plan crash, without knowing they are the subjects of a social experiment. They usually are 17 years old, and they have to survive until the rescue comes to save them and bring them home, but it's complicated because of the tensions between girls. Each girl has an episode dedicated to her story, and we learn about them during the series.They all have to cohabitate, even though some are sometimes injured, and there are cameras on the whole island to observe their behaviour in the face of isolation. The whole story is told through testimonials of the girls, who had come back, but we don't really know what's happening to them when they are telling it. 

I think my favorite character is Shelby, because at the beginning, she wants to be nice with everyone, she's the perfect cliché of the white American girl who believes in God and spread its religion, but it seems fake, as if she had a reputation to keep; however, then, she really opens to other girls and she becomes herself without being scared of other's judgement. I also really like Nora, because she is very intelligent and she almost knows everything, but especially, she wants to put her sister Rachel in the light, she doesn't want to be in it to let her sister who is sad, and she's very caring with her. 

I really like this series because it shows how people react to isolation, each person in her own way. It also shows the fact that everyone has their problems, and we don't know them, even though they have a certain image for us, they usually aren't the people we think they are (don't judge a book by its cover). But also  it sows strong relationships that can be created in such situations, relationships that wouldn't have been created in another situations, because at the end they are almost like sisters. 

Hope you'll see it, even if lots of questions aren't solved yet. Next season coming soon!

Lilou <3

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