Sunday, March 14, 2021

Mamma Mia Vibes!!!

     Hello Charlie! 

    Have you ever seen a movie which changed your vision of life? Has a song ever made you feel more alive than ever? Have you ever wanted to change your wardrobe because of a movie character? Well, if you haven't I obviously have. 

    Last Friday night, I watched Mamma Mia for the millionth time perhaps, and it made me in such a good mood : not only because I love this movie / musical, but also because in my opinion it has a very positive and encouraging message. The film, in turn, is based on the songs of pop group ABBA, with additional music composed by ABBA member Benny Andersson. Isn't it cool? ABBA! Let's enjoy those songs one more time!

    I am actually going to talk about the two movies (because YES, indeed, there is another one). So, let's start :


    Twenty-year-old Sophie grew up on a small Greek island, called Kalokairi, and was raised by her mother Donna who runs a resort that is crumbling with age. She is ready to marry Sky but is still troubled by not knowing who her father is. This quest is given new impetus when Sophie reads in her mother's dairy that three men may qualify to be her dad. She impulsively sends them invitations to her wedding and signs Donna's name. She doesn't tell her mother knowing that this would upset her. As the wedding day approaches, the guests begin arriving on the island, including Sophie's two best friends and Donna's long-time buddies: Tanya, who enjoys flirting with young men, and Rosie, a bestselling cookbook author. The three men meet en route. They are Harry, a staid businessman; Bill, a relaxed world traveler; and Sam, an architect. Sophie tries to keep them hidden from her mother but Donna discovers them and goes bonkers. This troubling encounter with her wild past and youthful hedonism sets her spinning. The men finally discover the reason they have been invited and respond in their own distinctive ways.

    I have many reasons to love this movie, and I'll share them with you. First, we have a great cast : 

Sophie (Amanda Seyfried, who is an amazing singer in this movie! I swear! You should hear her sing "I have a Dream")

Donna (Meryl Streep, The Great!)

Sky (Dominic Cooper)

Tanya (Christine Baranski, who you can see some episodes of the series called The Big Bang Theory which is hilarious)

Rosie (Julie Walters, one of my favourite actress)

Harry (Colin Firth,....dear Mister Darcy...)

Bill (Stellan Skarsgard)

Sam (Pierce Brosnan, my favourite James Bond)

    All the actors offer us a great performance, but my favourite characters will always be Donna and Rosie. I love Donna for her independence. She manages her own hotel, which I found idyllic by the way, and she works hard and doesn't need a man. Plus, I like her for her bravery. She raised her daughter on her own and did a great job because Sophie is an accomplished strong woman. Then, I love Rosie's character because she is eccentric and very funny. She doesn't care about people's opinion and she can be sarcastic, which I enjoy a lot! Both of them are lively and prove us that it is never too late to have fun, to feel alive and beautiful, to find love, ... This lively spirit is in my opinion well-illustrated in the scene when they sing Dancing Queen with Tanya:

    This scene is one of my favourites! The way they sing and dance emphasizes their power as women : they don't care about what  others might think about them when they are dressed strangely like here for instance. They do whatever they want. They are having fun and are enjoying life the way we all should! I don't know but this scene is for me just amazing and empowering! Donna and her two best friends also are a band : The Dynamos!!! 


    This movie actually retells Donna's past : we here discover how she met Sam, Bill and Harry. We see her life when she was Sophie's age. After graduation, Donna spontaneously travels around the world and finally ends up in Kalokairi. I cannot tell more actually because it would be a spoiler of the first movie sorry.  But this one is great, not my favourite to be honest, but yet, is a good movie. It is as peachy as the first one and always makes me in a good mood. It is like an antidote against sadness for me! 

III- Favourite Songs from the movies:

    There are songs that I obviously enjoy more than the others:

- Happy Mood :  Dancing Queen

                            Mamma Mia

                            When I Kissed The Teacher

                            Does Your Mother Know

                            Super Trouper


- Emotional Mood : I Have A Dream

                                Slipping Through My Fingers

                                Our Last Summer

                                Thank You For The Music

                                My Love, My Life

IV- Inspirations:

    Every time I watch Mamma Mia, it only provides me joy and an intense desire to become the best version of myself. I know how weird it sounds but it is true. Every time I watch this movie I feel alive. Every time I watch this movie I want to follow my dreams even more. I do know that after graduation, I will travel. That is something that I always wanted to do, but after watching Mamma Mia, I realized that this dream is not that stupid...I can do it. Why couldn't I? I want to be more spontaneous and enjoy life fully. I am afraid of wasting it. I want my dreams to come true and it is basically what Donna's life is in both movies : she knows that she is the only one who can bring her the happiness she deserves. She goes for it. She lives fully. She is not afraid because she knows that nothing can be entirely planned in advance so she cherishes every moment and it is powerful. It is inspiring. I would like to go to New-Zealand, Australia, Greece, Egypt, Canada, Finland, Croatia, Ireland, The Netherlands, ... the world is huge and there are so many things to see, so many people to meet!

    I also want to add that both movies bring a positive spirit... I guess...The lockdown was the worst experience for me...I was messed up and broken...but when the lockdown ended, I watched Mamma Mia. Instantly I was happier. I realized that life is my own adventure so it is my duty to live it as fully as possible. It was like a slap that made me realize that I have to act to get what I want, it won't fall from the sky...Anyway, I wanted to change entirely. I decided for instance to redecorate my bedroom in a more boho vibe and to change my wardrobe a bit...Change is a good thing. 

    If you haven't watch the movies yet, please do and tell me what you think about it. Do you agree with what I said? If no, is there a movie or a book or anything you love that makes you happy the way Mamma Mia does for me? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi ! To be honest, I totally agree with you and I love Mamma Mia too (although I haven't watched it as often as you have, obviously). I think ABBA's songs are amazing, and they fit so well with this movie, it's such a happy mood ! It's fascinating to understand how a movie can impact someone's life and personnality in such a great way ! I think I'm going to watch it again soon. I'm just like you: I would also like to travel a lot and discover many beautiful places and cities, it is one of my biggest dreams. I hope you will be able to achieve yours !
