Friday, December 06, 2019

Winter depression

Hello Charlie ! 

Today, I wanted to talk about what’s most of us are going through right now... winter depression! Honestly, I get it. No more sun, it’s cold all the time, it’s raining... But let me tell you what’s great about the season because it is actually my favorite. 
First of all it’s Christmas in less than a month and even if I don’t celebrate it I still like that season because everyone is happy, being gathered with their family. And of course let’s not forget the multiple Christmas movies you will watch (tell me which one is your favorite :) ) 
Also winter is the only time when you can drink chocolate milk and wear tons of sweaters. Well I guess you could do that all year long if you wanted to but let’s be real you would be hot. 
Winter means the beginning of a new year, new challenges, new resolutions (with the hope that will keep them )but most importantly : holidays! 
Finally, one of my all-time favorite thing is coming back home where it’s all hot and cozy and I just dive in my bed after a long day. 
Alright, I think I’m done here, I hope I convinced you that winter is not that bad after all. 
Bye :) 


  1. Hello Anissa, winter is such a cool season ! I love it ! I love cold actually, although I deeply hate the wind. And by the way, I on't understand the love for Christmas movies. I just don't get it.

  2. Best season because you can easily wake up before sunrise.
    *mic drop*

  3. Why do I relate so much? Winter is kind of depressing but it's so nice to drink hot chocolate milk and wear big warm clothes. Thanks for your article, you made winter a bit less depressing :)
