Friday, December 06, 2019

Top 15 of the best horses in the wooooooorld

Hello Charlie,
As a lot of people know since the 2017 Christmas party, I am fond of horses, that is why I wanted to do a top 15 of the best horses in the world, according to Chuck Norris, Logan Paul, the guy at the back of the first scene of X-files season 2 episode 6, Margaret Thatcher and I.
Here is our number 15, his name is Larry, he is a part time life guard and here we can see him on duty.

Gerald Swim has been Michael Phelps’ horse for more than a decade, look at his beauty in the water.

Our number 13 is Dimitri Payet’s favourite horse, they often have drinks together at an Irish pub near the football stadium.

Number 12 is a very cute pony, because we all need cuteness in our lives.

Number 11 has been Austria prime minister for almost three centuries.

Here is a fun fact, I am sure you all know what raclette is, the French dish we eat in winter, did you know that it was invented by Pierre Jean Raclette, the 10th member of this ranking.

The 9th place is not about a horse but the quality of the photo album. I mean look at that.

Maria Raclette was Pierre Jean Raclette’s wife, they met eating a meat meal in Poland, shout-out to my main man Yann.

And here comes her twin brother, also polish, Robert Lewandowski’s close friend, the great Leonard Piszcek.

Number 6 is also one of their family members, their great uncle from Corsica, shout-out to Ant one, his name is Doumé Guérini.

The fifth member of this list is Jonathan Steroids, the first bodybuilding horse, look at how buff he is.

Richard Tophead is a magnificent horse, the problem is we only have pictures of the top of his head.

Top 3 now. Our number 3 is actually not a horse, but there was still a unanimous decision to put this very cute goat in the third place.

In the second place, we have one of the most famous horses of the internet, Reuben the laughing horse.

Here is finally the most insane, gorgeous, amazing, stunning horse of the universe, John Cen’horse.

Alright Charlie, you are very brave if you read this and lasted throughout the whole article, thank you for your attention,


  1. I knew right from the title it was tour article
    This is in my opinion one of the best articles on this blog :) Thank you for this awesome list

  2. I didn't know you were interested in horses, man, what an article. You're sooooooooooooooooooooooo precise, and I actually found Richard Tophead's website : It is really interesting to learn about his life, carrier climax, and now all the actions he takes all over the world. THANK YOUUU. (Doumé Guerrini if you're hearing me, you know what to do)

  3. I have never laughed so much at an article. I am not joking, I literally cried. Ant One can testify. I agree with Iska, I believe it is the best article on the blog, even before Theo's one about numbers.

  4. Oh My God ! It works ! It's been like 6 months that I couldn't post any comment on the blog, and now I can ! So cool :)

  5. wow your articles are always so interesting Bilal! can't wait for next trimester's!

  6. 1 : Horse girls
    2 : great work
    3 : (for the ones who have the reference) I LOVE IT

  7. You are a horseman. We are HORSEMEN. #FourHorsemen

  8. The question is: do horses beat butter knives?
