Sunday, June 02, 2019


SNAPE: Lily I'm sorry! please talk to me
SNAPE: I'm sorry I called you a mudblood, it was an accident
SNAPE: Lily!
LILY: Severus you really hurt me
SNAPE: I know, I'm sorry, I won't do it again I promise
LILY: I know you won't because this is the last time I talk to you
SNAPE: Lily please, I didn't mean it
LILY: don't lie to me, I know what you do with your death eater friends, I know what you did to Marlene
SNAPE: we were just having a bit of fun
LILY: you tortured her because she was a mudblood, why don't you go apologize to her too
SNAPE: you're different... 
LILY: How am I different?
SNAPE: Look, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but-
*Lily pushes him down the stairs and he dies*

Aside from that I have great news! So science is on the verge of discovering a cure for homosexuality brexit MEP Ann Widdcombe claims so vote brexit guys, AND Missouri just passed a bill banning ALL abortions, that's the TWELFTH state this YEAR. THIS IS JUNE!
The world is gradually going back to the Middle Ages how fun!


  1. Wow, is that the new Harry Potter play ?

    1. no it's an alternative scene in harry potter because I don't like Snape and he dies

    2. martha how can you not you just broke my kid self's heart

  2. Replies
    1. I'm glad you like it, writing it really made me laugh

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think this version is true since it explains why Snape was bullied at Hogwarts

  5. Best fanfiction ever written on this blog, you should open a wattpad account for everyone to read. Keep on writing you creative worm !!!

  6. The end was amazing !! Keep on writing fanfictions !!

  7. As a big potterhead, I have the honors to tell you that your fanfictions are just brilliant.

  8. I really enjoyed reading the little Snape/Lily conversation. I didn't expect the end (and the beginning though).

  9. greatest Harry potter fanfiction I've ever read so far! congratulations, you have amazing writing skills! the cliffhanger at the end.. amazing really! have a vote!
