Sunday, June 02, 2019

The existential issue one often goes through at our age

I am known on this blog as the guy that posts random articles about his feelings during the end of each trimester. And today ain't no different.

I've been figuring out this year how things change, AND NOT FOR THE BEST. There was once a time when I would be very VERY active on skyblog. Shame on you if you don't know Pension Pokémon. There was a time as well when fanfictions were kind of my only reason to live, writing them as well and ultimately I got trapped into this phenomenon called k-pop. But here's the thing, I created a new blog this year, and realized that most (almost all) of the past users were now over it, same with wattpad and you know K-POP AIN'T THE SAME NOWADAYS...

And all of this hit me very hard yesterday, at a very random time of the day (2AM, not that random in fact). I realized that all of those things that would get me excited and made me a very enthusiastic, never bored kid had disappeared and that at the moment, my life seems very plain. Maybe it's just an existential crisis, but the thing is, I don't have that passion for things as I did before. I'm just less joyful, and other factors such as seeing teenagers realizing their dreams in tv shows and working so hard for it makes me feel very out of place even in my own life. And don't even get me started on my favorite groups disbanding, that's a touchy subject.

Anyway, you get the point. So here comes the moment where I give a solution, a perspective to consider, but I have none. Sometimes I just wish I could start everything over and choose a different path so I could still feel that passion that drives those kids on tv. I am very envious of them. I used to feel very connected to the others, the world even, and now I just feel very alone sometimes, although I'm not. I know this sounds like a pre-suicide post IT IS NOT tomorrow is a new day and I know I have many things in my life I should be thankful for although I'm not. But there's something that is very important to me and that some really haven't heard enough, don't let anybody invalidate your sadness, your nostalgia, your bitterness because you have the right to feel all those things, especially at our age. I would even say that it is normal, so feel what you feel and don't tell yourself that your feelings are not valid, cause they are. Now, taking a step back is always a good thing to do, nevertheless allow yourself to be depressed and to listen to very sad songs when you need to.

(maybe i'm just too focused on my teenage years' crisis to actually enjoy things like I used to but let me complain please)


  1. I was on the blog, I read your article, and I OOP-

  2. But your life is not that palin since there is the OIB (and all its family who supports you in becoming the new top star of our generation)

  3. I know I'm a year late but I just read your post and it almost made me cry beacuse I really relate to all the things you said ( yes even the kpop part). I hope you feel better now and that it helped you to share this. Thnank you for doing it, it actually kinda helped me feel a little better!
