Sunday, June 02, 2019

About me and only about me

Hey Charlie,
As I was caught speaking French in Mrs Choffrut's class (even if I'm not sure about that), I'm going to write an article ! Moreover, it is the perfect timing to write an article as the involvement grade stops on Monday !

Therefore today, I will expose and prove why I am the strongest, most beautiful, nicest, most intelligent (and humblest) person humanity has ever known. Do you know Elon Musk ? Well :

Moreover, you'll never see neither Elon Musk nor Chuck Norris play the guitar as
do. On the OIB talent show, I'm the one that was the most clapped after my extraordinary performance in the talent show (with my backing track musicians too).

Then, I beat Bilal in arm wrestling at the Christmas party. Is that not a proof of my superiority ? He was beaten by both Jad and Jaden in Canada ! It means I'm even stronger than they are 😈

You see, I'm beautiful, and to prove that, you just have to count the number of girlfriends I've had : it contains a 0!!!! You can't defy numbers, sorry.

Now you're wondering why am I the nicest person ? Because I mentioned at least 7 existing persons in this article (even if we're not sure about the existence of Yann), even if I said I was going to tell you "About me and only about me". Am i not nice ?

Furthermore, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo intelligent, I got 20/20 in math while everybody did nonsense on this test

Finally, and obviously, I am THE humblest, if not, why would I have written this article ?

The point of my article is, everything is a question of point of view. As you’ve probably understood, everything can be discussed. Here I will explain why everything I said is not true :

  1.  I was not clapped a lot at the talent show, WE were clapped a lot, and they are not backing track musicians, they’re great (big up to Anna and Gabrielle). Furthermore, I think we were a lot also because we have extraordinary friends that support(ed) us.
  2. Then, it’s true tat I beat Bilal in arm wrestling but the game was faked by mutual agreement. I’m definitely weaker than he is.
  3. I did not lie considering the number of girlfriends I had, because it really contains a 0, as the number is actually 0.
  4. Okay, maybe I’m nice.
  5. It’s true that I got a 20/20 in maths, but in another test, I go a 5/20, so I can be both intelligent and stupid.
  6.  And last but not least, the last point is just humour, as you’ve probably also understood.
Thanks to all my friends that are GREAT friends, remember that we need mutual support and a BIG kiss to everybody I did not mentioned, and as we say in Marseille, train con !


  1. That might have been the best article ever written on this blog.. Or ever written as a matter of fact. Thanks for making me laugh, you really are the strongest, most beautiful, nicest and most intelligent guy I know :)

  2. I think I already told you that plenty on friday but i'll say it again : I LOVE YOU!!!! anna said it all but seriously "look me in the eyes! you're the best person in the world!" ahah <3


  4. I still think Yann is better than you

    1. You are right and THAT is UNDISPUTED #UndisputedERA?. But you don't have to say it we all know it.

  5. You are for sure one of the best persons I know. And I say that even if you beat me at arm wrestling but I have to admit I am a bit salty about it.

  6. Ok, I can admit you're the best person humanity has ever known BUT... I'm a better guitarist than you! For example : I can play Tornado Of Souls by Megadeth and I bet you can't play this one.

  7. One of my favortie article on this blog ;
    Behind the sarcastic beginning there is a real lesson at the end 👍

  8. I think you’re actually the best person humanity has ever known. I thought this person was me! (Joking) :))
