Friday, May 31, 2019


Hello Charlie,

As lot of you may know last week with Youth For Climate St Charles, we decided to clean the "coinfu". We exposed the butts we collected at the entrance of the school in water bottles and had over 100 of butts!
To continue our action, we decided to bring it to Recyclop.
Recyclop is a association from Marseille which collectes and recycles cigarette's butts.

Once recycled, they are used in construction.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "mégots recyclé"

Recyclop also gave us pocket ashtray. If you want one you can ask me at school ;)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cendrier de poche recyclop"
 Facebook :
Instagram : Recyclop

Thamtham le tambour


  1. And we might even hear more of Recyclop in the next few months if all goes well… On another topic that photo is super cute ;)

  2. my babesss congrats!! and thanks for the super cute ashtray!
