Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What friend are you?

What friend are you? 

Question 1: let’s talk food…
  1. I like it, just not on Thanksgiving 
  2. I really like fancy restaurants!
  3. It’s okayyy
  4. When am I not eating? Never
  5. NO to animal cruelty!
  6. I eat, but most importantly, I cook!

Question 2: how would you describe your love life?
  1. I don’t get much action
  2. It never ends well…
  3. I got divorced like three times
  4. How youuu doinnn’?
  5. Passionate
  6. I like to experiment

Question 3: What’s your non-alcoholic beverage?
  1. Coffee
  2. Coffee
  3. Coffee
  4. Coffee
  5. Coffee
  6. Coffee

Question 4: what is your dream job?
  1. a job no one understands, like ever (something like Statistical analysis and data reconfiguration, see? I told you you wouldn’t understand)
  2. Fashion!
  3. Paleontologist college professor (but you can call me doctor)
  4. I wanna become a famous actor
  5. Masseuse
  6. I cook cook and cook

Question 5: what do you do in your free time:
  1. Watch Baywatch on the couch with my best buddy
  2. Go shopping, duh (at Bloomingdales preferably)
  3. I watch documentaries
  4. Watch Baywatch with my best bud
  5. I sing (very well I must add) and play the guitar wonderfully
  6. I clean, and when I’m done, I clean again

Question 6: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
  1. Be the funniest person on earth
  2. Have an unlimited credit card
  3. Have all the knowledge in the world
  4. Eat and never ever get full
  5. Peace in the world
  6. Never miss a dish 

The quiz is now over, count each time you got a letter 

If you got more A’s: YOU ARE CHANDLER

If you got more B’s: YOU ARE RACHEL

 If you got more C’s: YOU ARE ROSS 

If you got more D’s: YOU ARE JOEY 

If you got more E’s: YOU ARE PHOEBE 

If you got more F’s: YOU ARE MONICA


  1. I like this quiz, it's really precise and quite straightforward,
    Thank you for sharing this quiz, but are you the one who made it or you found it somewhere ?
    Anyway, there are hundreds of other ones like this I've done, but this one is really original.

    1. no, was inspired by buzzfeed for the quiz form but the subject of friends and the questions were all from me!

  2. Did you class them by letters on purpose because if Monica is the letter f, does it mean she is your least favourite 😂? If not, who is your favourite friends character ?

  3. heyyy, I love the concept! i used to spend a lot of time doing this type of quiz, unfortunately this wasn't concluant for me as I gave a response that corresponds to a different letter each times (I skipped question 3 because I don't like coffee) but I liked doing it anyway!
