Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Fire Emblem Fates

Hello Charlie, I’m back !
I wanted to share one of my favourite video games.

It is called Fire Emblem Fates, and it comes from Fire Emblem series by Nintendo.

Fire Emblem is a strategic video game which is actually very complicated to play, but is, nevertheless, absolutely amazing.
One of the biggest particularities of Fire Emblem is that characters can die. But it’s a real death so if they die, you won’t see them anymore. Trust me, it’s terrifying.

But THE particularity of this game is that it isn’t one game…

Fire Emblem Fates is actually three games.
Yes, 3 games.
The story is divided in three parts… Or more particularly three points of view.
Here is the plot to make you understand : the story is set during a war between two kingdoms : Nohr and Hoshido. You embody Corrin, a Nohrian prince/princess, who, one day, is captured by Hoshidian troops. He/she is led to Hoshidian Palace, where Queen Mikoto immediately recognizes him/her as her daughter. Mikoto’s children also recognize Corrin. Confused and lost, Corrin tries to remember something, but can’t.
However, the royal family of Nohr is already coming to get Corrin back, and attack Hoshido. So, Corrin and Hoshidian family comes to meet them, and at this precise moment our main character has to make a choice : either he/she comes back with her family, or he/she stays with her real family, or he/she doesn’t make any choice. That is why there are 3 games.

The game works in this way : first, the story goes forward, and our heroes arrive in a specific place, and then a battle begins.
The battlefield looks like what you can see below. Obviously each battlefield is different and has its specialities, so you always need to consider them and adapt your strategy, otherwise you will have very very bad surprises !
Battles work by turns : it’s the turn of the enemy and then it’s yours. When it’s your turn, you have the choice to make your characters move, attack, heal, or interact with a member of your team (to put them together, …) or not.
However, it’s not as simple as it seems… You can’t choose to attack whoever you want. You have to consider levels, classes, probabilities, weapons, HP, space, future… And many, many other things.

What I like the most in FE Fates are the soundtracks and the chara-design.

The soundtracks perfectly reflect feelings, but they are also played by typical musical instruments, which powerfully emerge us in the atmosphere of the game. (I’ll give you some soundtracks that I really love)
As you probably saw earlier, the chara-design is beautiful. I really like this realistic aspect which, in the same time, totally respect this japanese aspect. The mangaka who designed the game is called Yusuke Kozaki… And he is honestly amazing. I watched a few videos where he was explaining his work, and I was very impressed by the details of his drawings. He also designed FE Awakening’s characters. To me, FE Fates and Awakening are the most beautiful Fire Emblems.

My favourite character is CLEARLY Takumi, the younger Hoshidian prince, who is an amazing archer. By the way, he has a divine bow, called Yumi Fujin. He is sooo powerful, and he is very funny with his dirty character... (he is very touchy).

Afficher l’image source

I also like Azura, because she is wise and strong, and her voice is so amazing. By the way, that’s her music which convinced me and which made me want playing (you really should listen to it... It is very intense ♥).

Oh, and as FE is in english (or japanese) with french subtitles, I learn a looot of english words. 

I hope you enjoyed it ! 
See you, 
Coralie C. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a great depiction of this game ! Very cool, thanks a lot ! The idea of the characters dying for ever if fascinating. I guess it would be extremely stressing for me... what do you want, I'm like that ! I'll check it out during the summer !
