Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tom hardy = Elton John, not a good choice..


        Hi charlie, it's been a long time but no worries i'm here ;)


    So today i'm going to talk about my country, my beautiful, amazing country which i'm very proud of....... ALGERIA!!!   So basically i am going to talk about the many places that you really have to visit if you ever go there. To be more precise, i am going to talk about Algiers, the capital of Algeria, since it's my hometown. Today consider me as your free tourist guide ( you are very lucky to have me haha ;) )

So Algiers is a very touristic place, it has many amazing places that are very worth visiting. Basically, i am going to give you a list of these places,  I may forget one or two but these are the 5 most worth it to me so you are free to add some in the comments if necessary). 

This is THE list :

  •  The first place is the Martyrs Memorial !!! it's the most popular monument to visit in Algiers, also one of the most impressive ones, you can see it from very far, plus once you are up there, it has the best view ever, you can see the entire town from up there !   I always go there and I never get enough of it so I highly advice it. 

Also, it represents really well the history of the country since it's the memorial for the people who died during the war fighting for our independency so you can find really cool sculptures and an underground museum that really shows well what happened during the war and after it.  

  • Next we have the Botanical Garden of Hamma, this is the biggest park in Algeria !!! It's one of my favourite places to go to, it's very beautiful and it has many kinds of huge trees and plants, waterfalls, flowers etc... there's nothing better than to go there for an afternoon to relax and basically enjoy the view. 

  • Then we have the " Grande Poste" of Algiers which is the biggest post office in Algiers but through out the years it became more like a monument, it was built in 1910 and it's in the center of the city with a view of the sea, so history wise it's really interesting to visit! 

  • Next we have the kasbah of Algiers, it's the most important neighborhood in the city, historically it's the heart of the town so going there really allows you to see the true face of the town and how beautiful its people and culture are, also there many historical houses that were very typical in Algiers 100 years ago that are open to visit like the "palais du Raïs" Raïs means the palace of the gouverner !!
     The kasbah and its historical stairs ( a separate peace ;) )
The place of the Raïs, this is the type of architecture that only exists in this neighborhood!
  • And finally we have the basilica of Notre Dame d'Afrique, a catedral that was built in 1872 and it's very beautiful and interesting to look at it because it's also one of the main monuments of Algiers!!   

This catedral survived many earthquakes since they are quite common in Algiers, it has been restored many times and it's still standing in all its glory with a beautiful view of the sea 😍!!!
  So that's all for me Charlie, I hope you enjoyed this and will visit my beautiful country ;) if you do keep in mind that I am a very good tourist guide and I know my hometown by heart so contact me if you visit ;))

Okey bye bye now ( I know you miss me already ;))) )


  1. Wow, it's a really great article ! Thanks for all the details your bring about Algeria ! All the photos and places you talk about are very nice and relevant so we really do learn a lot !

    1. It's my pleasure, they are better in person !! It's very to talk about something you are passionate about. Thanks a lot !

  2. I wanna go there, but only if you'll accept to be my tourist guide.. I really love the title of your article (although I'm still kinda confused, plz explain)

  3. nice title hm, i wonder how it came to your mind ;) also f you you made me want to go there even more than i already did :( if im correct you're going there in like 2 weeks, so enjoy! (and have fun at the marches ;))
