Wednesday, May 29, 2019

MarsMun 2019

MarsMun 2019 

Hello Charlie !

Today I wanted to talk to you about something that happened at school : our first MarsMun !!
It was a really great experience and we all enjoyed it a lot !
In that article, I’m going to explain you a bit more what it consisted in.

What’s a MUN actually ?

Basically, MarsMun was a MUN in our school, so a big MUN actually.
A MUN is a Model United Nations so everyone is to embody a country and then to represent it taking into account its ideas.
In Saint-Charles, we did it with two committees which were the Humans rights committee and the Security council.
In the afternoon, I was chairing the Human rights committee with Malka. It was very fun even if it was tiring…
What’s nice is that we learnt a lot from this year and we’ve already begun to organize next year’s MarsMun !
We’re planning on doing it way bigger, with more people, more countries (and perhaps with more cakes in the end because I didn’t get any… the joices of cleaning !)
What was nice is that many people actually volunteered even if they were not really comfortable with English, and we helped them to translate...
To see many people commit in such a great projet was extremely nice for me, especially because we all spent a lot of time organizing it !
So thanks to all the people who organized it with us, pupils and adults (big up to Mr Bishop) !

Charlie, here are some photos so that you can see better what happened :
(And, by the way, be ready for next year, because it will happen veryyyy quickly !)

Oh, and, again, many thanks to our photographers, Clara and Iska, for all these great photos !
Many of the people who were there (chairs, admins and delegates)

Our Canadian guests

 The Chairs

 The Chairs doing the chairs ! isn't that a great idea from Silène ?

And the speech at the beginning of the day :

Mrs C. (who came on a very special day, thanks again !)
Mr Lévêque (our MUN leader !)

M. Mongrand, the headmaster
And then it was Malka and I but the photo does not seem to be working...

Well, Charlie, I guess everything was said ! Remember that MarsMun's team will come back next year !
OOOH, and here, if you have free time and you want to check out the complete list of photos of the vent, just click here !
See you soon then !



  1. Now that was a really good day. Thanks for all participating and tanks to the organisers for making it so good.

  2. So happy I got to participate to this great event! It really was awesome
