Tuesday, April 09, 2019

5 videos to help our planet

At the moment, we hear more and more about climate issues and, us high schoolers are sometimes the most active people about those matters. As young people, we can be afraid of the world past generations have left us and some of us are already pretty green, giving into low waste, ecologist activism or veganism. But we can never be educated enough so here are 5 vids about our dying planet and ways to save it. These videos are all by different people so that you can discover a more nuanced and varied point of view.

Also, I’m not an example and I’m not blaming anyone for not being low waste (I still personally am not).

1\First get aware of the situation of our world with data and facts:

I chose this first video because rather than vague ideas, it gives us clear data. While the subject of this video is very basic and used, Our Changing Climate gives proof of what he says and gives a more nuanced point of view than what we usually see.
I love this channel because of its theme and the way it is treated, but also the audiovisual side. The audio is of good quality, with a chill but not boring voice, the visuals are neat and dynamic and translate well the message, and the finished video looks very professional though OCC is independent and works alone.

2\Then see the solution some people apply: Zero waste:

      I chose this video because it felt really chill and made the zero waste movement seem pretty easy and accessible. I haven’t watched Broadly ’s other videos so I don’t really have an opinion about their content. The zero/low waste movement, along with veganism, seems to be the best thing we can do to help our planet and gravitating towards it might be really good, not only for the planet, but also for our self growth and peace of mind.

3\But nothing is perfect, so here’s a slightly more nuanced point of view on the movement:

Though Shelbizlee is moving away from the movement, she’s made pretty useful vids about low waste, green washing and she diy’ed a few sustainable products and objects to create less waste.

4\Now, if you’re interested in it, learn how to get to low impact/waste:


This vid shows that creating less waste is pretty affordable and accessible. Some of the tips the creator gave are pretty obvious looking but are also very easy and can make a big change. I would also recommend her other videos because she made other diy and tips videos.

5\But is individual action really the solution?

    Please get past the cringy acting and try to watch this video anyways. Though this video is really not known (under 1k views at the moment) its message is really interesting. I know a lot of people (particularly my parents) who think individual action is useless and, to some extent they’re right. But we can’t forget the most efficient way to help our planet is to combine individual and systemic change.

    Thanks if you’ve come this far in this blog. Please consider thinking more about your everyday waste, though you don’t need to be as extreme as the people in those videos. I would advise you to check other sources on the subject and also see this playlist for more environmental stuff: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTv1BtkrDqVQ904-uBMtYDBzmEPI8K72v


  1. I really like your article because first, I really do want to save our planet and I already try and do things to make its state do not get even worst that it is now and also the choice of video contents is very appropriate I guess because you get the chance that more people will watch it, and that's a very good idea ! Thanks for your article again !

  2. I disagree with your label. I can honestly tell you that I am not dying. But our planet is dying indeed
