Tuesday, March 12, 2019

we're all gonna die

Hello everyone
I was caught speaking French in Mrs Choffrut's class and she asked me to write an article on my implication in the Youth For Climate movement. Here's that article I guess.
I will start by saying, please follow Youth For Climate Marseille on Facebook and @youthforclimatemarseille on Instagram if you're interested! Every info about strikes or protests and more is on there.

My implication in this movement is, I must admit, quite recent. Like most people I've always been aware of climate issues but I always thought that it was a doomed cause and that I couldn't do anything about it anyways. A day after coming back from my trip to Russia, I was out in the sun wearing a dress, and I think that was a wake-up call. After the holidays, I immediately decided to do a sitting (or sit-in) on Friday, and I asked on Instagram if anyone was interested. A few people answered, and after looking on social medias for an official Marseille climate movement, I found none and decided to create the Instagram @youthforclimatemarseille. A few days later, I received a message that said that there was already a Facebook group that took care of it that I didn't see, so the Insta team joined their group. The first sitting we did, (march 1st) was pretty much done on our own, because we were too shy to communicate anything on the Facebook group. Around 5pm we were 22 people, which was alright for a first time. We had about 5 signs and some organic food which was good. After that, we decided to start communicating more with the Facebook team and we went to our first climate AG the day after. From that day on, everything I've been doing in my free time (when it wasn't my TPE) was in some way related to the climate strike of the 15th (being in the communication team didn't help). Since then, I've been to many more AGs, taken part in more teams that is humanly possible and run out of flyers to hand out.

During these short weeks of climate actions, I've had many encounters, and some of them were far from positive or supportive : people saying that we couldn't do what we were doing because we had Iphones and clothes made in Thailand, people saying that we were only doing this to skip school, people saying that it was stupid and that we would never make a change… Well if anyone here thinks that, or for anyone who thinks that fighting for climate is not that important, let me tell you something : you're wrong. Because everyone, absolutely everyone pollutes. Even that man who told me that HE at least was buying his clothes from French companies. But these Friday strikes, everything I'm doing regarding climate, it's a way to redeem myself. Because yes, I take the plane, yes I have an IPhone, yes my clothes were made in China. And I couldn't sleep at night knowing that our kids will never get to see bees and just a clean planet, and just ignore those facts. I don't have a proper way to say this, and I know that my words will never change people's minds, but I'm willing to try and do anything I can to make people realise that the planet's state is critical, and that we need to put pressure on our governments, because they're the only one that can stop that on a big scale.
So please, don't read this and think that I'm just a bobo écolo gauchiasse whatever, because I'm just desperate that nothing seems to be changing.

That being said, come on Friday!! From 10.30 to 1.30 there will be many activities on the Vieux-Port, including many for children, so if you have brothers and sisters they're more than welcome! (I'll be taking care of the children part, meaning if you come you'll get to see me, so all the more reasons to come ahah). For those who don't want to miss too many classes because they have climato-clueless parents, the march/protest/clean walk will start around 1/1.30pm. I hope to see at least some of you!

For those who absolutely can't miss class, there's La marche du siècle on Saturday at I think 2pm, and on Sunday there's a big Chaîne Humaine organised between the David on the Prado and Malmousque, from 2 to 4pm. Again, hope to see some of you there!

Another question I've been asked a lot was "bah pourquoi, il a quoi le climat?". If this is your case and you just live under a rock, don't hesitate to DM me or ask me in the comments, I have many very simple points on why it's a problem and what climate change is causing.

Anyways, I hope that this wasn't just an angry rant and that my point came across.
Take care and don't forget the sunscreen!
- Be New


  1. A very catchy title, the bestest hook ever, and an amazing subject. Waw, you really are awesome ! By the way, don't know whether i'll come in the morning or at 1:30 but I'll be there on friday :)

    1. ahah thx and yea as long as you're here it's already a good thing :D

  2. oh so you finally registered for the blog!!! so proud of you!!

  3. I love how you were quite feeling like you had to do the article but then I read it and I must say it's amazing , you gave the informations needed to let the reader know more or about this mouvement . We can truly see that you're quite passionate about acting and making something done or it's just anger , didn't make the difference haha , and I very much appreciated you personal point of view of it :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This article was so good i'm actually shaking
