Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Be Green

Hello Charlie!

As you know this week is all about climate! So I decided to do a post according to this subject and I created a list of 5 easy thing you can do for the planet:

1. Clean your mailbox
Yes your e-mail consume energy by deleting them you are saving energy and therefore saving your future!
  Résultat de recherche d'images pour "thank you gif"

2. Unplug your computer
Falling asleep on my computer or leaving it plugged when I'm not using it is routine for me BUT it is lot of waist, since energy is working on nuclear weeeeeell the planet is not happy.

                                                   Résultat de recherche d'images pour "unplug it"
3. Buy local
Lets imagine a basic situation: Kevin is going to his favorite supermarket after a really long day. He wants to buy a tomato because Kevin likes tomato. He takes a really beautiful one that is from Brazil. 
Oh no! Kevin just bought a fruit that traveled 8620 km by plane or by boat. It is approximately 43100L of fuel. 
Buying local is better for the planet and also better for local economy! ;)

                                                           Résultat de recherche d'images pour "buy local"

4. Recycle
 You can recycle pretty much everything now a day:
-food with a compost bin
-clothes by giving or selling them 
-electronics furniture
By recycling you are giving a second life  to your stuff and you stopping the cycle of overproduction!

                                                            Résultat de recherche d'images pour "recycle"

5. Share the love
You can explain that to your friends and family so that everybody is doing it!  If everyone does a little bit it will end up being a lot! 

                                     Résultat de recherche d'images pour "together we can do it" 

SOoOoOoOoOoO now you know everything and you can make the world a better place!
Thamtham le tambour