Wednesday, March 13, 2019

the babes are back!!

 this post is about none other than Jabrielle!! and the (many) reasons why she is the most amazing person on earth, in no particular order
  • she's beautiful
  • she's writing a petition to get the CDI to open more often
  • she went to Canada for 2 months and managed to get her grades back up
  • she did a presentation on the masses even though she had 0 time
  • she attached the tissue box underneath the crying corner
  •  she lives on planet Mars
  • she has a flip phone!!
  • she got 20 on her dissert plan in french 
  • she draws really well
  • she gives clarinet lessons
  • biniou, need i say more?
  • she break-dances really well 
  • her bitmoji is iconic
  • speaking of iconic, have you seen her edmodo profile picture??
  • she volunteered to present the first The Importance of Being Earnest presentation with Thelma even though they'd just come back from Canada and didn't. have. the. time
  • she loves the country version of the Canadian national anthem
  • her iconic cap (with the cute propeller)
ok there's way too much too say and way too little time

i'll conclude on a cute little sketch of her

 jab the "petit soleil"


  1. Wow I agree on all of those especially ridding a bike to school. That's so good. And I agree on Jab being "un petit soleil"

  2. wow gabrielle you're *perfect emoji*
