Monday, March 11, 2019

We dance?

Hey Charlie! I hope you’re good!

Today I need to talk to you about an exhibition I’ve seen and that I recommend you to see as well.

It’s called “On danse ?”, and it’s at the Mucem.

I’m sure you must have heard about it already, but...

Anyway! (it should be a GIF image here... So if you see that, it means there a problem =D)

It’s an exhibition I really loved. You are actually in a very big room; and you watch a movie.

But what is interesting is that you can watch it many different ways!
Indeed, there are many different types of screens. Some are TVs, some are video projectors, others videos are projected on the ground or on paper ribbons for example.

You have many places to watch different videos, that can be very very short or a bit longer. 

They are all very interesting and it is always nice to try and analyse them.

And to watch these videos, what is nice is that you have lots of different places. You have nice seats, seesaws, carpet mountains you can go on and just lie, and other things like that. There is carpet everywhere on the ground, and it is very nice. 

It’s very clever I think, and I advise you go and see it! It ends on May, 20. But as the end of the year is close and as you have some exams if you’re in seconde or terminale, you should go now, so that you’re free then, reinsured because you have seen it!

Phew! (it should be a GIF image here... So if you see that, it means there a problem =D)

It is a bit complicated to tell you more, because it is a very subjective exhibition.
Indeed, your appreciation of it will depend on what you feel when you look at the videos, in which position and where you are sitting.

But… it also depends a lot on the video you are watching!

You know, I stayed there for one hour I’d say and I have seen many and many videos. Hopefully, the one that was being play when I entered in the room was very nice and I really enjoyed it! And so I guess it is why I really enjoyed my experience. Other videos were very nice, but still, for some others… I liked them less. 

This is also very subjective! But I mean… If you don’t like right from the beginning, try and sit somewhere and wait until a one you like is played and you will see that you will like the exhibition!

Well… I think I’ve said everything I had to tell you Charlie!

But I’ll come back soon!


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