Monday, March 11, 2019


Second article of the trimester!! (hi mrs. c :)))))

You know contrast is a recurrent thing in literature, but it is in life as well. That moment when you feel like you are going to collapse but a few minutes later you feel like doing a marathon? That's me on a daily basis. Sometimes I'm moody, sometimes I want to jump out of the window but sometimes I'm happy too (especially after getting a 18 at the French mock oral).

So yeah, don't be too depressed during bad times because it can get better at any moment!

If you need some examples to help you get through this, we could mention Ariana Grande who literally changed the game forever with her last 2 albums that were such hits right after being left by her fiance and having seen her ex boyfriend die. Beyoncé dropped Lemonade after Jay Z cheated on her, AND IT'S A MASTERPIECE!

Here are a few songs that will make you believe in Santa Claus, happiness and charming princes.

On that positive note, I'll let you go back to the exciting and thrilling adventure that is life.


  1. You hands-down write the best articles on here

  2. nice one!

    i like how you link literature and life!

    also, sadly i don't believe in santa anymore but thanks for the thought!

  3. 2 articles!! mathis you've outdone yourself
