Sunday, March 17, 2019

Rainer Schimpf's meeting with a Bryde's whale

Hey everyone,

I wanted to post this small article to talk about what happened to Rainer Schimpf. This guy is a South African environmentalist diver that had a particular experience with a  Bryde's whale.

An examle of Bryde's whale 

Indeed, at the end of February, he went with his team off the coast of Port Elizabeth to try to get good shots of sharks, dolphins, penguins or Northern gannet, South Africa being one of the countries with the most diversified fauna on the planet. He was filming a shoal of sardines which was going to be attacked by a shark when suddenly, "the light was turned of" and he felt pressure on his hips. He spent a few seconds under water with no light around him until he finally got out of wherever he was. The reason of this weird phenomenon was simple: he got sucked up by a whale!!! The whale was in fact hunting and heading towards the sardines with its mouth wide open and caught the diver at the same time. Bryde's whale being used to eat small preys such as plankton or sardines, it immediately spat Rainer out, leaving him unharmed and having lived a lifetime experience.

Rainer Schimpf in the whale's mouth 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, I had heard about that ! It's quite interesting and hopefully the guy is not dead ! Again a way to show the beauty of nature, nature that we have to respect... Congrats !!!
