Monday, March 18, 2019


Hellooooooooooooo Charlie,

From October to December, I went to Ottawa (the capital of Canada) it was really fun as you might guess.
But here I don't only want to talk to you about the amazing stuff I did. I also wanted to show you stuff that Canadian do that we don't so that when they come you are ready.

1. The anthem 
In France we only sing it for sports or some main events. BUT in Canada, they sing it every morning at school and there's rules about it:
- you have to stand up
- you have to take off your hats 
-  if you are walking in the corridor, you have to stop immediately 
They also change it sometimes to more original ones which can be pretty surprising at first but I think it's nice that they adapt it to every culture in the country and make it almost as important as the "real" version.

 original version 

 indigenous version

2. Me to We day
WE Day is a celebration of young people committed to making a difference. WE Schools is the yearlong program that nurtures compassion in young people and gives them the tools to create change in their local and global communities.
Together they offer people the tools and inspiration to take social action, empower others and transform lives, including their own.
 I went to one and it's insane! we were 20 000 students and there was music, people talking about the hard stuff they experienced in life, people talking about all the projects they did to help people. We don't have that in France but most anglophone countries have it. I saw Trudeau too he had nice socks.

3. Hockey
They love hockey as much as we love soccer. In Ottawa, there's two teams: Ottawa senators (pro team) and the Ottawa 67's (semi pro). They have really big stadiums for them such as the one own by the  Canadian Tire Center with 20 000 seats.
4. Student council
I was at Merivale high school and I guess it's in every high school the same but there was what we call "student council". The student council helps share students' ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and school principals. They often also help raise funds for school-wide activities, including social events, community projects, helping people in need and school reform. Sometimes, they do specials days such as pajama day or ugly Christmas tee shirts.
Voila now you know about a bit about Canada.
Btw I tried bread and cheese it was good.

AND the blog doesn't want me to add pictures... sorry


ThamTham le tambour


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