Friday, January 25, 2019

The "One Piece of Rubbish A Day" challenge

Hello there !
Did you know about the great challenge happening right now ?
From January 17 to January 27, the “One Piece of Rubbish A Day”  challenge is being organized and everyone is invited to participate!

The challenge is quite easy to proceed, it is self-explanatory. You basically need to:
  1. Pick a piece of rubbish (at least) per day
  2. Take of photo of yourself picking them each time (you do not have to put your face in the picture)
  3. Send your photos to the Awareness Cub at
  4. You will get the chance to be pictured on an immense collage created for the occasion!

Here are some examples (in case you needed more precisions):
Theo conquering the cold to act                 Normal photo Challenge=squats for Lili & Silene

Now that you acknowledged the facility of the challenge, let me explain how these little acts can actually have a positive impact on both the general environment and your personal one. In fact, as we mostly know, plastic for instance finds a hard time to disintegrate and so, leaving this on the ground concludes in killing the the sea animals for instance. Thus if you have a bit of heart, you would prefer not to do so. But also, having rubbish floating all around in your environment does not look refreshing and with the wind nowadays, it seems to be feasible.

So contributing to this sort of challenge is a great idea to fight against these elements and it can be fun, especially if you do it with a friend or your family. And if you enjoyed it, feel free to continue! The challenge is almost over, but it is never too late to act for the environment.

The Awareness Club.


  1. your last sentence is so catchy!! great article, great cause, great pictures (!!) yay for the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Looking forward to seeing all the photos side by side ! (there was supposed to be some kind of poster for it at some point right?) Anyways, thanks for the article :)
