Monday, January 21, 2019

The best speech in cinema

  Last night, there was Inglorious Basterds on TV. A movie that I remember to have enjoyed, but didn't really precisely know why. 

  Watching the beginning, and coming to Brad Pitt's speech as Lieutenant Aldo Reine, I knew why.

  The rhythm and the accent he has are SO insane. Especially around 1:54.  I don't have much to say about it, other than I want a whole book written about this character's life. The way he speaks, with the vocabular he uses would gladly make me write a literary essay about it. The details put on him, such as the scar on his neck, suggest a back story in war, the cause of this wound. (Notice how I never talk about Brad Pitt but about the character he plays. That's how passionate I get with his playing. The same effect applies to the actors of the series Homeland. Please watch it. It's on netflix.)

  Now, I certainly don't have the sufficient cinematographic culture to say whether it is the best speech in cinema, or one of the best. But it blew me away. 

                 What are your favourite cinema speeches ? Please post them down below ! 

  Have a good one, and see you soon at a next music club session I hope ! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you very mucj, you reminded me to go watch that movie one day. Personally my favourite cinema speech is the one in "the wolf of wall street" when jordan says "I am not f#####g leaving", I don't know exactly why but it is a scene that I kept in mind even after years passed.
