Thursday, November 08, 2018

The joys of being an international student

Hey Charlie! It's been a while since I've been here, so it's about time I made a post, right? Anyways, I was inspired by the articles about the premieres' Canadian experiences, and thought I'd make a list of why it's great to be an international student in the University of Glasgow.

1. You always have a conversation opener with people
2. You somehow barely know any Scottish people
3. You get to complain about English with your international friends or all be looking for a specific word and suddenly learn it in five languages, none of which is English
4. Whether you're eating at your dutch friend's place or your spanish friend's place tonight dictates every other meal of that day
5. "What do you want to do now?" "Well I didn't have lunch, so I could do with dinner" "I had lunch at 1 today..." "okay, we can wait a bit then" "no, 1 is early!" (this conversation took place before 6pm)
6. Brunches with food and drink from about 10 countries
7. You celebrate every holiday of every country

That's all I can think of for now! Doesn't that make you want to join me (I swear I'm not paid by the uni to promote it)?

See you,
Judith (does anyone here know who I am?)


  1. Hi Judith ! I think I heard of you ! Did you come back to Saint-Charles a few times last year ? In this case, I might have seen you ! (I am veeery bad at associating names with their owners...)
    Thank you for sharing your personal experience, it really makes me want to study abroad later ! Well, I am still in Canada, and I am having a wonderful time here. I will post an article on my stay as soon as possible !

    1. Yes I did! And will again...
      And you are so welcome, I love talking about my life instead of doing productive things like studying for my calculus exam!

  2. Thanks for the update and funny article. It's always magical when former students write on the blog even though,they don't have to.

  3. The second point is brutally true in Edin... I swear I now know more posh London girls than actual Scottish people, talk about authentic experience...
