Thursday, November 08, 2018

Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom

Hello Everyone, Hi there, for my second blog I'm going to talk about a  video game which is my favorite one so far. I would make a blog about a video game because I'm sure some of you are crazy about video games but here is one you probably don't know :

It is the best video game I ever played (but also one of the 2 video games I played so far)
It is called "Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom", I hope some of you know because  it's not really famous. I played it 2 years ago and it took me around 6 month to finish it because that's really complicated sometimes. It came out in 2010 in the USA but it was made in Japan by Yoshiki Okamoto. I played it on PS3. It is a game really huge, not infinite but huge about the space we have.
We have the whole kingdom of  Q'markaj which is forsaken as you can read the tittle.
But be careful !!! We are not alone, there are animals and we can talk to them, there is unfortunately the darkness and any kind of darkness into the kingdom. The creators must have a lot of imagination.
I use "we" because there are 2 main characters, Teotl and Tepeu. But we actually play the part of Tepeu.
So this kingdom have been taken by the darkness 100 years ago, and the humans were in danger.
I won't tell you more because in this story there are a lot of the Majin's memories which are told bit by bit. You just have to know that it is introduced like a tale and to my mind it is a tale.
 Tepeu is a young human, thief who gets in the castle and save Teotl of the darkness. Tepeu is a savior in the entire story but he was a thief.
Teotl is wonderful creature, The "Majin" and he is supposed to have powers that the darkness took him away, he was captured for 100 years, until Tepeu gets in the castle.                      TEPEU
   The "Majin", Teotl the characters have names hard to pronounce but it makes sence, I like the names. If you don't understand anything at the beginning, it is totally normal, I even understood things a long time after I played it. I sometimes took 5 hours to move my body of 2 meters, that is because when you're stuck in the story, you're stuck and can think for 2 hours and you won't find the answer of the problem as easily as it seemed.  Then you're going to say "What ! It was so obvious and easily-attained, I'm stupid ! " But you'll be happy that your problem is solved .
It is a game you have to think and fight with strategy.
The "Majin" is an really intelligent creature, kindness, strong, friendly, dangerous (for the ennemies)
and his negative point is that he sometimes gets you in trouble by fighting. Moreover he walks really slow, that' why you should not leave him for too long (For example if you need to visit a place) but most of the time he follows you if he can.
Because if the "Majin" dies, you die too. You're best friends and parter of life. A friendship born between you two because you're fighting together, helping and protecting each other.
You can give him orders, he will obey, most of the time.
Without this creature, you cannot do the game, it's not possible.
Finally, The "Majin", doesn't really speak english, he speaks english but without conjugating the verbs or he doesn't use any verbs, it depends on what he wants to say.We have the impression that we're listening to a half-wit and a nutty person but we're not, so we suceed to understand.
You have different goals in the story : fight the darkness, make sure the "Majin" get all his powers back so as to fight, save a girl who is called Toci and she is the daughter of the king and the queen of Q'markaj by getting back in the Castle. Protect and save the kingdom...
The powers of the Majin are powers that you will only get little by little ,they are hidden in the entire kingdom. There are 4 powers and they were all removed from the Majin  :
The Fire, The Wind, The Electricity, and the Purification Power.
 Everyone in the story got into the darkness, exept the characters I already mentioned. There are not many characters in the story. My favorite character is Tepeu, the hero, not original but it is hard to like charaters who are part of the darkness. However, every character part of the darkness had a normal and nicer life before, that they forgot.
Well, you'll see all the characters forgot their life, then they remember.
This is why when you bump into someone, most of the time, you have to kill him, only because he wants to kill you. Then, before the characters part of the darkness die, they remember what they did before and you're thinking "I shouldn't have killed him". There is no violence for violence here, if you are looking for a such video game, you shouldn't play this one.
What I don't really like in this video game is that you never really know how you have to go exactly, you're always a little lost. It is negative because if you go first somewhere and you dicover something, you often have to go back because you "forgot" something else. You can actually go wherever you want as long as this place is unlocked at this time of the story.
 I love that fact that there are so many types of world/area forsaken which is wonderfully awesome and you have to explore all of it, carefully since there is the darkness.
So that is fun, we have music adapted to the atmosphere.
We have the map of different places we are able to go, I won't spoil you that.
I  don't have any favorite area, most of them are gorgeous.
Though, there are also a lot of mysteries and weird things in these places, that's also cool because each place has a different atmosphere.
The story progress pretty quickly but as I said, there are so many places to explore that when you're playing you rarely say "It's almost done" even just before the end, which is to my mind the moment I found horribly long because you learn a lot of things but don't move that much. I forgot to do a lot of things in the game and I realized it after I finished it, but it was not necessary, we were just supposed to do these things.
I won't say anything about the end of it otherwise you won't play it, but I enjoyed anyway and we kind of guess what is going to happen before the last scene. The quality of the pictures and landscapes is amazing, it is really beautiful to see. I really enjoyed the story even if I always get angry when I lose at games.
I invite you to watch the trailer :
If you watched the trailer, watch also the intro :
The intro will help you to understand better the story, if you want to play.
I also invite you to listen to the soundtrack which really made me want to play this video game
I think it is nice to hear and it may makes you want to play that game :

 I hope I made you want to play that video game which is very interesting and I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and watching the youtube videos too.
Now I let you discover all of this and comment or ask questions if you want to.


written by Mathieu Centonze.

                                                     Take care of yourself


  1. I love the way you sign off :))) I read your article about the 100 and I really liked it. I've seen a bit of the show and it looks pretty awesome!!

  2. Thank you, that's nice.
    I'm glad you liked it, enjoy !

  3. A well written substential game review... God I missed that blog

  4. I'm not much of a gamer but your review is indeed very well-made and the design looks just beautiful.
