Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Music Club

 /!\ Since I don't want to flood the blog with Music Club related things, EVERYTHING REGARDING THE MUSIC CLUB WILL BE FOUND IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS POST (yes, everything, including the new dates, themes and rooms of the future meetings, and the playlists of every meeting). /!\

Hello everyone!

As I'm (finally) registered to the blog, I wanted to write my first article about a club that Marilyn and I are going to be presenting : the Music Club.

The idea is that we have a new theme every time we meet, and you guys have to send us songs that fit into the theme that was chosen. It's not very complicated, we just wanted to broaden your musical culture, as well as ours! So do what you want in terms of the songs you pick (make sure there's an appropriate language though), but if you can, try and bring not blatantly famous songs that everyone already knows, this way we can actually discover new things. If you can, and we encourage that you do, try and think of an anecdote about this song (it can be how you discovered it/the band, what it means to you, why you like it, just anything that you think of really!). I had many people tell me they wouldn't take part in the music club because they don't know enough music : you don't have to bring a song!!! If you don't know any song fitting the category, you can still come to the club to discover new songs!

At the end of every club, we will gather the songs and create a Spotify playlist (or Youtube or Deezer, we haven't figured that out yet), and we'll post it in the comments of this post. That way, if we didn't have the time to play your pick at the meeting, it can still be found by others in the playlist, and if you couldn't come to the club, you can still find the songs somewhere.

The first Music Club will take place tomorrow (Wednesday the 14th of November) at lunch, in room 308, and the first theme is music from the 2000s (from 2000 to 2010, not before and not after) If you have friends outside of the section interested in music, be sure to mention it to them!

Now I don't want to sound annoying, but in order for this club to work, we really do need you to send us picks! So far, we haven't received a single email and the club is tomorrow (we know we were badly organised, but still, I heard many people, particularly Secondes, being really excited about the creation of the club, but no one actually sent us anything which is surprising). My email address is sibylle.janin@free.fr. I hope to receive some emails because if no one is involved, we will sadly have to stop the club just when it finally started.

I hope to see some of you tomorrow in 308 then!
Peace, Sibulle


  1. The Spotify link for today's club (theme : the 2000s) : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6tG84ZypfTFSkhNILOQoGV
    The Deezer link : https://www.deezer.com/playlist/5103713224?utm_source=deezer&utm_content=playlist-5103713224&utm_term=28913221_1542225652&utm_medium=web
    The Youtube link (for those who don't have Spotify or Deezer) : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3-6LzcEZ-IzFb6X_grw9aQMpQECAEO2Q


    1. As I didn't chose a song on time, my pick would have been (and is) "Do you realize ??" by The Flaming Lips :)

  2. Thanks Sib! Great club and great playlist, what else?

  3. Forgot to do that until now, I don't know if anyone is going to see this but here is the link to the playlists for the theme numbers in the song title/band name! Feel free to comment songs if you have more ideas, so that I can add them to the playlists (basically what Iska for the other theme).

    1. I fear that you're going to need a new article each time to attract new interest. It's not easy to scroll back to this article each time. Meanwhile I look forward to listening to this playlist and your Christmas one!
