Wednesday, November 14, 2018

My Canadian experience (so far)

- Everything is so. far. away. you can’t go anywhere without the car 
- The taxes. They often don’t include the taxes when they write the price of things so you get a little surprise when you get the receipt 
- In class they often don’t do anything but have a huge amount of homework when they get home (it depends on the class) 
- They have next to no holidays because their school days are so short 
- The teachers are honestly the best 
- Their school system is on point 
- They eat lunch at 10-11 am and dinner around 5pm 
- Everyone has a job (as in the students I’m not talking about unemployment rates) like proper jobs 
- Someone asked me if in France we speak more English or French
- Their maths are different I am confusion 
- They are incredibly nationalist. The Canadian flag is literally everywhere 
- Colonel By is the best guys 
- Honestly I want to move here 
- Also the river started to freeze today;))


  1. Ugh we miss the four of you, I get that Canada is super amazing and all but can you come back quick anyway ? :( Either that or pay me a ticket so I can come join you !
    P.S : if you are confusion in maths there, just wait until you come back at St Charles ; ours will seem just as weird I promise

    1. aww don't worry I'll pay you a ticket because i'm not coming back haha ;)
      I'm definite you're right and I'll come home to maths three times as hard.

  2. I'm glad, you're having such a great time but come on, it's not that bad here,is it?

  3. We want pics as well on this article!! What a drag, not only am I requiring you to write on the blog while being miles away but on top of that I have the nerve not to be satisfied and ask for extra efforts.
    But I guess, it's ok because I'm not a Canadian teacher and as you've already clearly established that I've already fallen from grace, I don't have to play nice. Have I ever? ;p

