Monday, October 01, 2018


*I need an idea for the blog article...*

Oh, I know !

So, hello everybody !
For my first blog article, I am goint to share my summer Irish trip !

So, I went to Ireland 2 weeks, in july. It was a little bit particular, because there was no organisation. We had to create our trip day after day, draw our itinerary, find campsites and phone (I can tell you Irish are adorable but sometimes they have a terrible accent  XD), find supermarkets, and look at our maps and guide books every time.

The first day, we arrived in Dublin, and stayed two days in the city. We visited the Old Library of Trinity College (which was absolutely beautiful, we believed we were in a background of a film !) and Temple Bar, street of artists and where there are a lot of pubs.
We slept in an adorable Irish family.

Then, the third day we went to Wicklow Mountains National Park... And to be honnest, that's the most amazing hiking I did. It was just unic, and I had a feeling of loneliness, freedom, and me eyes didn't realize it was real.

The fourth day, we started to go up to Northen Ireland, and we slept for the first time with our tents in Tollymore Forest Park, one of the tourning spots of Games of Throne (by the way, we met a Games of Throne's bus, with a lot of tourists and their caps).

Howth, next to Dublin

We also visited Belfast, and watched the World Cup Final in a pub ! 

The day after, we went to the Dark Hedges (an other Games of Throne's tourning spot) and the Causeway Coast, a world-famous place, because of its symmetrical and regular forms... People thought for a long time that was a human building, but actually this is totally natural, and this is amazing !
We ate in Derry. 

After, we hiked in the wonderful landscape of Sligue League. We visited Donegal and Sligo.

A few days later, we drived toward Galway. I loved this city. It was colorful, lively, beatiful... Moreover, there was International Music Festival !

Of course, we went to Connemara's lakes, singing a famous song by Michel Sardou. 
It was quite beautiful, but I was a little bit disappointed... And if we visited the Cliffs of Moher, I would have enjoyed it more than Connemara. 

The last day, we came back to Dublin, and ate at the Dublin's Hard Rock Cafe... And then, we returned to France the morning after. 
I was to leave this wondeful country, but very happy to sleep in my bed ! XD

Are you hungry ? :p


Hope you'll enjoy it ! ^^


  1. It's been a long time since I want to visit Ireland, but I never did. I hope that I will next summer ! And reading your article made me want to go even more :)

  2. It's been a long time since I want to visit Ireland, but I never did. I hope that I will next summer ! And reading your article made me want to go even more :)

  3. The landscapes are so adorable, I want to visit that place, is it expensive ?

  4. I will always remember the first time I stepped inside Trinity College's library... It was beyond magical.
    Even though I'm going to trigger some people if I say that your pictures remind me a bit of the Scottish countryside, I can't help but to love it all! Glad you had a great time there!
