Wednesday, October 10, 2018


 On Tursday night, with the cinema club, we've been to the Gyptis to see the movie "BlacKkKlansman". This article is going to be about the movie.

    The story took place in 1978, in Colorado Spring. There, a young black man called Ron Stallworth works in a police station. He begins to works as an infiltrated cop, and after his first mission, he is assigned to infiltrate the racist organisation called the Ku Klux Klan, more commonly caller the KKK or the "organisation". With the help of his jew partner Philippe Zimmerman , he infiltrates this racist organisation, while he actually is a black person.

    First of all, let me tell you that this film is amazing. The serious subject that is racism is treated with fun, which makes the movie really enjoyable, and keeps the audience interested, instead of being just a documentary. More than that, the characters are well treated, they all have their own personality, and they are not just sheeps, or the prototype of "the hero" and "the bad guy". And the fact that they all have their qualities and their defaults, and thanks to that, the film affected the audiance even more because the characters were actually very... Human. They make mistake, they have defaults, and because of that, they are even more apealing.

    Now, let's talk about what's not good about this movie. What I am going to say is only a minor spoil about the story, because what I am going to talk about doesn't have any effect on the main story. But still, if you don't want any spoil, you can go straight to the next paragrph. So, to get back to the subject of this paragraph, I think that the only bad point of this film is the love story. It doesn't bring anything to the film, and it is there only to say that there is a love story in the film, to attract more people. So the love story is exessive and just useless. But this is, as far as I am concerned, the only bad point about this film.

    To conclude, this film is wionderfull, and I would recommend it to anybody who is NOT to sensitive, because the subject of racism is treated really cruedly, and it could shock some. If you are not that sensitive, then go ahead!

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