Wednesday, October 10, 2018

We all count!

HEllo my Name is Theo welcome here!

Today I am going to remind you how to count.
Indeed, in the OIB we focus a lot on words and not so much on numbers!
I think that this reminder will help us all in everyday life, in very practical ways: line counting, grade understanding etc...
So without further ado :
1 - one - this number is the first number it can be used in many many ways, like when you look at the sky and say: "i can see 1 plane!!"
2 - two - this number is useful too, we all have 2 arms, 2 legs 2 eyes ...
3 - three - trinities are a favourite of mine: the holy trinity, the oib trinity...
4 - four - this is a very square number! (haha did you get it?)
5 - five - the number of fingers on my hand, and probably yours too
6 - six - watch out for the spelling of this one (haha xD)
8 - eight - not many things come in eight units, not eggs, not arms... oh but octopuses do have eight tentacles!!
9 - nine - this number that looks strangely like a flipped over 6 - six
0 - zero - this is nothing because it is empty and represents nothing really.

There you go, now you have been reminded, you're welcome!
Also, digits from zero - 0 to nine - 9 can be combined to create an infinity of other numbers!!

hahaaha what a world !

comment your fav number :-P


  1. Thank you Theo for this reminder ! Sometimes we get into complex questions, and we finally forget about the basics ! I will keep that in mind now, and spread the word to my new canadian friends ! Maybe they have never heard about digits, who knows ?
    My favourite number is currently four, because it is the number of classes I have everyday in Canada ! How fun !
    What is your favourite number ? <3

    1. Wow you're so lucky four is such a great number, so regular, so symmetric I love what it represents!!
      My fav number Is probably seven... Seven I find very interesting in many ways, maybe I'll write a blog about that! but manly because it is pretty, asymmetric, prime and FUN xDDD

      PS: I AM jealous about that trip of yours

    2. Four is a very cool number, indeed. It is hidden everywhere in my everyday life. For example, I have exactly (and only...) four weeks left before I come back to Canada ! Also, I'm 16, which is the square of 4 ! How fun ! If we look further, we can say for example, that without counting the thumb which is a gripper finger, I have 4 other fingers on each hand ! Amazing eh ?

      PS : I totally understand your being envious :))))

  2. I was Today years old when I realised, thanks to you, that I just spent 16 years of my life counting the wrong way

    1. This is what I call an AWAKENING, it is my pleasure to distribute them around me.
      Welcome! you are Woke!

  3. love this. I can finally learn how to count how very exciting!! being in OIB has made it really hard for me to learn about numbers (honestly what am I doing in S) so this post really uplifted me and convinced me that I can do anything! starting with learning how to count.
    not being able to read numbers has never really been a problem because I have no money but recently I've been feeling really embarrassed because I felt left out:( but thanks to this post I'll no longer feel that way!!

    1. I agree tots! I mean like really, NUMBERS??
      I guess you do have to take things in hand at some stage in your life.
      This time I chose to share it with our community, next time there might not be a blog article so I mean yeah please do count! (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT)
      And next up in money management is counting the -value- of coins! (tricky with all the ones and twos) Good luck with that one!

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  6. Thank you so much I'll try and use these numbers more often from now on. You made me realise how important they can be on a daily basis. I'll spread the word.

    1. I feel vexed for the TWO OTHER COMMENTS that DISSAPEARED.. anywayzzzz
      remember the song by bruno mars? as an introduction to numbers:
      ~you can count on me lie 1,2,3 i'll be there~
      For every time you spread the word, don't forget to count the number of people you spread it to, things can get tricky after nine!

      (tell me feedback)

  7. What an amazing awakening ! Thank you so much for this amazing gift :)
