Monday, October 08, 2018

The 100

         For my first blog I'm going to talk about an American series that I love so much.
This series is one of my favorite, it's called The 100.  Maybe some of you know but it's not really famous in France.It was played on Syfy, an American channel. Forgive me : I started watching it in french but it was 4 years ago (because it was created in 2013). Watch it in english !
 The 100 is really an original series : I will only talk about the first season in order not to spoil you the rest.   I don't have any pictures, I'm sorry .
So, It is about a people named Skaikru (Skypeople) living in the space on the Ark (their spaceship).
But unfortunately, the Ark run out of oxygen and if they don't leave the spaceship soon, they won't be able to breathe anymore.  Then, Skaikru send 100 teenagers who are prisoners (for the most part they did bad things) on earth to see if they can live on earth because it hasn't been inhabitated for a century because of a nuclear apocalypse which killed everything on earth (you'll see why). The 100 teens are guinea pigs, and the Chancellor (who is like the president of the Ark) is such an ******* in the first season.
So if the 100 survive on earth, the 2400 inhabitants of the Ark will go on earth to survive themselves but if they don't, they will obviously die.  This is only the problematic of the first season.
By the way, there are 5 seasons, almost 6 (I hope).  They're about to make it.

The 100 is a really violent series, like this :
Anyway, I hope some of you have seen that great series and of course I hope you enjoyed.
If you haven't, unfortunately, you should but only if you like the trailer of the first season :

The 100 (series) is actually from a book written by Kass Morgan, obviously there are some details which are different, I like it anyway.
Jason Rothenberg is the one who made the series.
  In the Story there are 13 clans (people) from 13 different places in the whole universe, but I won't tell you more because we only discover that later in the story. The story is a fiction but I'd like it to be real, someday. Who knows ?
I don't really have a favorite character because I like a lot of them so, tough call. However, there are some character that I resent.
Thanks to the 100 I learnt so many expressions in Trigedasleng, which is the (official) language people from earth speak.Such as: Jus drein jus daun ! That means : Blood must have blood !(I told you it's violent). It is a really interesting language though it's useless but it's fun. It is pretty close to english. Unfortunately, I don't think it's a real language.
I actually had the idea to write this blog because it's my birthday in a few days and I will get The 100 DVD.                    
Leave comments or questions or anything below of what you think, if you don't think anything because you're not interested and you hate my blog: move along ! 
                                                      I hope you enjoyed reading my blog.
written by Mathieu Centonze
                     THANKS FOR READING   ( if this is not the only line you read)
Thanks for watching the youtube videos too.
Fans, (if any) what is your clan ?
                                                              Take care of yourself 


  1. I started watching it a few years back with a friend and honestly if you don't get too attached to fictional characters (my favourite ones died within the first 4 episodes) 98% would recommend

    1. Great ! About favorite characters, I think that for most of the people, we like some characters then they die and we like other characters because there are so many ones. But it's true we shouldn't get too atttached to the characters because they die when we don't expect them to die, moreover, I should have mentioned that a lot of characters are sometimes bipolar.

    2. Yeah you're right I started liking other characters when some died but I was really upset when Wells died so that kinda put me off. And also like you said I didn't rally liked Bellamy because he was bipolar haha

  2. I've not seen this series yet! But maybe I should, you persuaded me!

    1. Yes,amazing choice, if you csn stand violent scenes you are gonna enjoy.
      You'll discover some new civilizations, but not real (at the moment).
      I'm glad I convinced you to watch it !
