Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Jeffrey and the anti-folk movement

I'm writing this article just before going to "The sewing machine" (a concert hall near my place) to attempt to a live performance by Jeffrey Lewis, a multifaced artist with a great career I want to talk to you about today. Jeffrey Lewis was born in New York the 20th of November in 1975, he studied at the purchase college of the state college inNew York. He first started his artistic career by being a comic-strip drawer with his very famous "Fuff"

   I got a signed piece of Fuff 2 :)

But he quickly oriented himself to music. Indeed, in 2001, he signed the Britannic label Rough Trade and made the first of his seven studio album named "The Last Time I Did Acid I Went Insane" (he wasn't promoting drugs he actually made a song named "No L.S.D tonight" to make it very clear).
Jeffrey Lewis' music is considered to be part of the anti-folk mouvement, a musical movement from the 80's and 90's which emerged in the underground scene of New York as a fusion of Punk and Folk music. The most famous names of the punk rock sub-genre are Jad Flair, Lou Barlow & Sentridoh and others, all of them influenced by artists such as The Moldy Peaches.


The show was great ! I was able to take a couple of videos of the show, I will let you enjoy the videos of Jeffrey Lewis perfoming his song "Roll bus roll" and one of his crazy solo of the evening!!



  1. I had never heard about Jeffrey Lewis before, but now that I know a little bit about him thanks to your post, I will go ahead and listen to some of his songs!

  2. I had never heard about Jeffrey Lewis before, but now that I know a little bit about him thanks to your post, I will go ahead and listen to some of his songs!

  3. You can tell me when there is another concert?
    You gave me want to go.

  4. Looks amazing! Very good article, even though no sleeping person is involved

    1. stop acting as if sleeping people were the only motive for a blog post!!
