Sunday, September 16, 2018

Bojack Horseman

The 5th season of Bojack Horseman is now available on netflix.

This humoristic serie introduce us to Bojack a very rich actor who wants to finish his

memoir. He is helped by Diane, a ghost writer, and that's how the story goes during the

first season. There are other main characters in the serie like Mr.Peanutbutter, Diane's

boyfriend, who's also a very rich actor, Todd, Bojack's houseguest, and Princess Carolyn,

Bojack's agent.

Bojack is living a miserable life, he's always drunk, he often takes drugs and hates himself,

wich makes him being horrible with everyone and everyone hating him. Since he played in

a sitcom named horsin'around wich made him rich, he spend the last 18 years doing

absolutely nothing but staying at his home or going outside to buy alcohol.

I like the background of Bojack, from the first episode to the last one, we learn more and

more about him and we understand why he hates himself so much. We also see the efforts

he makes sometimes to have a good life. The lives of the other main characters are

showed with their own problems and that's what I love about this serie. The mix of sadness

and humour in an episode, the hope that Bojack will one day live a happy life without any

problems and the way we see his life pass off little by little.

I recommed this serie to people who like dark humour and want to be depressed by the

sadness of life :p

That's all I have to say, have a good day :)

(by the way I  haven't watched the 5th season yet so my point of view might change soon) 


  1. Great blog ! It’s my favourite show you’ve been quicker then my to write on it xD

  2. This series is so cool!! I like it.. It’s true that Bojack makes some effort, but it’s so rare.. and Mister Peanutbutter is so funny😂

  3. This series seem so funny and intertining , I ' ve seen this horse everywhere 😂😂 !! But never thought of watching it , after reading your blog I might start watching it !!!

  4. Really does seem interesting to bad it's on Netflix, although I'm pretty sure you can stream it elsewhere on the Internet. If it has 5 seasons it surely does have a big audience!
    Might give it a try once I finish Breaking Bad (which is incredible by the way if you haven't watched it yet)

  5. Great article! You made me want to watch it

  6. This is so cool! I love BoJack's Horseman, I think that it is such an original and funny cartoon compared to the others!

  7. Cool, I watched one episode a long time ago but it didn't really grab my attention, maybe I'll give it another chance now.

  8. This show is so cool, I really like this cartoon because it's really interesting and original and also of course very funny!

  9. I was actually planning on watching it that was a cool way to motivate me even more now I just gotta find some time

  10. This is a really good Blog, I am going to watch some episodes and tell you by commentary or anti Blog my vision of Bojack Horseman.
