Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Queen rocks the OIB and shall ultimately conquer stress.

Hello everyone,

We're about to start a beautiful new year but the OIB is a challenging section and for some students, I see the dark  shadow of stress and anxiety looming in the background.....👽👾👹👺

But never fear,  together we shall defeat that deadly beast! 💪

How? Good question, isn't it?

The Apeevim last year proposed a monthly yoga class which I participated in, truly enjoyed in spite of my apparent lack of skills and hope they'll do again (Btw, former student participants, how about you write an article about that to tell of your experience and thank our parent association for this great initiative)
It's an ongoing process and work in progress. We've discussed and will discuss this in our international AP. However, I'm always looking for new ideas.  For the record, I'm open to suggestions....

Lo and behold, I'm about share here the result of my latest brainstorming:

1. I figured, we could shout a DEADLY WAR CRY at the top our heads when we see the Angst Monster approaching.... But this might bring some issues with school and your parents.
Any case, here's a link to a few war cries that have been used in history.
historical battle cries
I hope you'll forgive me for taking it from a website entitled the art of manliness as we in the OIB truly believe that WE SHOULD ALL BE FEMINISTS.
If you haven't yet, I really recommend that you read it or listen to the TED talk.
We Should All Be Feminists (Paperback) by Adichie Chimamanda Ngozi

2. I was doing the dishes ( I believe in giving context so I'm going to pretend it matters 😉) and listening to music, one of my favorite bands and it struck me.
Whatever I'm doing and however I'm feeling, when I listen to a Queen song I can't help singing my heart out as loudly as possible and at the end I always feel great and ready to take on the world and whatever it will throw in my face (including house chores).
 Basically, I'm ready to rock the world.😍😈💪😎
Now, my taste in music might not be extremely original and you may not be a fan of Queen- even if I have a hard time believing that 😇- but it got me thinking that it could be a good idea for students.

And then my second epiphany hit me when  I started thinking about the song titles , most of them could apply to the OIB experience! I know, unbelievable! Freddy Mercury was actually talking to me/us!😀

And thus I created a new assignment for the Terminale students, they are to find song that help them feel express strong emotions whether good or bad.
These are songs that when you listen to them you can't help but crank up the volume and sing (and potentally dance or at least wiggle along and get it all out and thus work it out of your system.
Sad, negative, I'm-wallowing in sorrow and self-pitytype of  song are authorized but they have to finish with more numerous positive, feel-great , I-want to take on the world type of song
And the icing of the cake is that all these songs are to apply to the OIB section, life and experience.

Here we go with the OIB/Queen experience.

On the one hand....

Under Pressure
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoDh_gHDvkk (with David Bowie just for pleasure)
It’s a Hard Life
Radio Ga Ga (in Lit class?)
Another One Bites the Dust
I’m Going Slightly Mad
I Want to Break Free
Save me

On the other hand....
The Show must Go on
You’re my Best Friend
Friends will be Friends
The Miracle
One Vision
A Kind of Magic
We Will Rock You
Don’t Stop Me Now
I Want it All
We are the Champions

You'll note that I've mostly chosen videos with lyrics to facilitate the karaoke experience. But do check the original videoclips, they're worth it.

Now, I know what you're thinking Charlie and rightly so, FUN FUN FUN!

So if anyone else wants to participate and helps us create an amazing OIB play list feel free to do so.
I can see Mr Leah volunteering...😏

Looking forward to listening to your contributions.

Mrs. C


  1. Of cours Queen is a great band, i think you forgot to inculde the one and only Bohemian Rhapsody, I know maybe it dosen't fit in the two emotions you talked about because there is alot of parts in the song and there isn't one theme. But i think that this is why it is the best song to include, it represent all the emotions that you may experience in the OIB, sometime you are going to be sad, sometime maybe motivated, inspired or maybe desperate, and the song capture’s all those emotions.

  2. Talking of Queen,there's a lot of Innuendo in the Oscar Wilde text!

  3. I definitely have some songs that give me that feeling , a very strong feeling , it's like being fearless and capable of doing anything , when that type of music comes up I feel like the most confident person in the world.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I strongly recommend this book to! ( We should all be feminist )

  5. Queen is one of the best groups I listen too,I think most of the songs they sing are awesome although I want to ride my bicycle is great!I think it's also good for OIB because you may want , at some point, to ride a bicycle out of class and out away from school. I think that the ones you chose are great for OIB, especially I want to break free, you are the best friend and don't stop me now .

  6. My sister read We Should All Be Feminists too, and she also recommended it to me! It was one of her favorite books she has read!

  7. I also love TED talks! I think that they are really interesting and diverting in general.

  8. My sister read this book, and also strongly recommended to me! I think that it should be a very interesting story!

  9. Ok, I'll read "we should all be feminists" asap!
    & great playlist haha!
