Monday, June 04, 2018

Why do we dream ?

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Ever wonder why we dream ? We don't know exactly why we dream, but we know everybody does it. Firstly, what the word dream really refers to ? Basically, dreams are stories and images our mind creates while we sleep.
There are several theories being explored, but no one is 100 % sure. Some scientists say that dreams are meaningless. A second theory says that dreams are fundamental for our health and well-being. A study proved that an absence of dreams can provoke anxiety, depression, some difficulties to concentrate, hallucinations and weight gaining. On the contrary, dreams help us to solve problems in our lives, to incorporate memories and to process emotions.
In the early 1900s, Freud that while all of our dreams, including nightmares are a collection of images from our daily conscious lives, and have symbolic meanings which relate to the fulfillment of our subconscious wishes. Freud believed dreams as a way to fulfill our wishes and desires that were unacceptable to society. These theories are all very interesting but researchers are still trying to explain the necessity of dreams.
As for the meaning of dreams, there are varying points of views. Some scientists explain that dreams have no connexion with our life. And others assume our dreams may be representative of our thoughts an emotion, and we analyse them, we may able to undertand ourself better. Dreams can also be seen as a conduit of creativity.

Follow your dreams !


  1. I once saw a video about a guy explaining who to keep a dream-journal. I find the idea intresting, as you said dream can help to understand ourself better. I found myself realising some personal stuff but also I was too lazy to keep up the journal. I however incourage everyone to try to right down your dreams(do it when you just woke up otherwise you will mostlikely forget).

  2. I think dreams can show us what we want to see. They can also help us find what we like and help us with creativity as you say. Dreams are often based on things we like or have seen or read recently. Many people dream and forget there dreams as soon as they wake up and say that they don’t dream at all, where as in fact we all dream constantly !

  3. I think I had a similar question for the essay in the writing exam for oib ^^ " why do we dream ?" It's a very relevant question , I suppose it depends on the person ,sometimes it's fictive , scary , happy dreams and so on , it has it's bad sides and good sides like you mentioned clearly in your blog ^^ I really enjoyed reading it and I'm glad I got to learn more about dreams :)

  4. Sometimes dreams can be some flash backs of something really important of what did you did or what your soul did that you don't know...

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