Monday, June 04, 2018

how to revise :

Revising is essential. It is really important in order to achieve success. Indeed, when you are revising, you are encouraging yourself to learn new things or to perfectionate what you have already learnt and this is why it is so important, especially in an educational context. Withouth revisions, is it a bit more hard to revise so we can see how truly necessary they are. Maybe teachers already told you how truly fundamental revising is : well they were right, it is. And if you don't do it correctly then you will probably regret it. 
Now that you know my opinion on revisions, i'm going to show you a list of what I do when I have to work :

  • take a long shower and try not to think about the long hours of work ahead.
  • clean your room : a neat and and silent room can help you to be more concentrated
  • light scented candles and try to focus on your chakra.
  • listen to some 24/7 lofi hip hop radio - beats to chill/study/relax, 

  • try to highlight all the key points of your lesson and write them on a fiche de révisions
  • if you aren't psychologically ready to do your own fiche, ask for you schoolmates to send you what they did
  • re-read the fiche, re-write the fiche, feel this empowering knowledge flowing in your veins
  • if you feel like you won't be able to do it, take a deep breath and count the days you have left until leaving the oib
I hope my tips will be useful, 


  1. Very helpfull, I deal with too much very lot stress thanks!

  2. Thanks wow I just followed all the steps, one by one, what a relief, you don't know what a weight you've lifted
    Good job

  3. Great tips! I actually have some others which help me :
    -get in working conditions (it may sound obvious), I mean get a table or a confortable place, where you know you will work and not just look at your work. In my case for instance, my bed is a bad choice as I mostly try to figure out how am I confortable and stare at my posters
    -get your goals straight, give yourself a realistic amount of work you need to achive before tacking a brack.
    -take breaks, I believe the best is every hour or so but this varries from one persone to another

    That's all I wanted to add.
    Have a great day, person who is reading this!

  4. Sure will give it a try especially the scented candles bit although for the music bit I usually go with some Pink Floyd first of all because I love them second of all I probably am a sheep although I rediscovered them myself and third of all because you need that occasional part in the song where your mind goes of and meets the soloist in his frenzied improvisation before going back to the actual song and to your work after your brain just backflipped in your head

  5. Great ideas you give us here!
    I already have a working method which, I think, is quite good, but it is always nice to have other students point of view on that topic! It helps me improve my own method...
    Then again, it is always nice to hear interresting things from other students... As the shower time for example, which is a very very good advice! It was never doing it before working but hearing it from you makes me think I really shall because it would help me in being ready to work, quiet and concentrated...
    And I do agree with you when you say we must clean our room! Because having a tidy and cleaned room means having a nice studying environement and a clear mind... And to me, I also think that I will not have to clean it later, that it is already done and that really destresses me!
    So, to anyone who will read this article: apply those technics! They are working and very useful!

  6. Thank you, I sure will be using your tips! (expect the music one because I can't concentrate and listen to music at the same time lol)

  7. I think that you have made a very interesting point talking about the fact that we should actually listen music to relax or also lightning candle in order to achieve a more zen ambiance haha
    It is the small details that makes the difference!!

  8. Thanks for the helpful tips! (I'll sure be using them for these tree years to come lol.)
