Monday, June 04, 2018

Mind-mapping Pinter

Hello Charlie!

As you probably know, we recently went to London with the class, thought i'm not here to tell you how fun or extraordinary it was, because it was. I'm here to talk about, I should probably say debate, or try to shed a light on a play we went to see: The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter. So for those of you who wish to see the play, I wouldn't continue to read this because there might be some SPOILERS. You have been warned, but then again I won't be summing up the play because to be completely honnest it's way too messy in my mind and way too confusing, as my attempted mind-map demonstrates quite clearly. It goes everywhere and in every direction.

So, to my fellow classmates which are just as confused as I am, I will try to explain what my diggings led to through this colorful mindmap, but then again ,those are only theories, i'd be glad to hear more!
(Good luck on decoding this xD try and follow the -->)



  1. Hello I'm here just to spread the little theory that I had watching it. I have to admit before that I was a bit sleepy at this very moment which could explain why some could find it nuts.
    My theory then is that (be prepared) Stanley is a former member of the IRA or an hidden irish citizen and that he betrayed or something. The two men who come for him are here to punish him or something.
    My self explanation for that is
    1° I'm a big Ireland fan thus it seems kind of coherent that I think about it
    2° The fact that it takes place in England so it's not completely out of subject
    3° There's a scene where one of the man stresses a lot the fact that he's going to serve an Irish scotch to Stanley
    You are now free to judge me as you like ;)

  2. Wow I'm so impressed I downloaded the mind map twice
    Apart from that, I don't really know what to think, I don't even know whether I really want to understand the play or not (and keep my first impressions of it (dazed and confused)).
    Sorry I don't have any theory to propose...
