Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Today I am gunna talk to you about getting tattooed. I got tattooed at my 18th Birthday.
It had been a long time since my brother and I were talking about getting a tattoo together, and it ment a lot to us to get the same tattoo and a sibling tattoo. Therefore, we both got a palm tree which represented a lot for us and a small wave on our wrist that linked us together. Tattoos are a big thing, I mean they stay on you for life so you have to think more than twice about it, it can't just be on sudden thought. But I am very happy of my tattoos, I find them perfect.
However, it hurts aloooootttttt. Especially since my first tattoo was on my ribs and that it was a big one. It's probably not the best idea to start like me with a big tattoo. And mine took 45min to do. At first you think that you'll get used to the pain and that it won't hurt as much as the time passes. But that is wrong it gets worse and worse. Your skin gets more and more irritated making the pain even worse. After my big tattoo, I had to get my small tattoo on my wrist and I was just so in pain I wanted to get out of that place as soon as possible and never come back. My second tattoo took 1min to do. On the wrist it is even more painful because it is super sensible. But then when it's done, it's done, the pain is gone and you've got something on your skin for the rest of your life. Which is quite a weird sensation once you realize that.
The annoying part of getting a tattoo is the months after when you have to take care of it. You have to clean it with a particular soap, wipe it with a paper towel and not your own bath towel and put cream on it every 6hours.
Many people think it's dangerous to get a tattoo because the ink gets in your blood and stuff but it's not totally true. I am not dead. But the thing that isn't reassuring is when people say that people who got tattooed under 4 month can't give their blood. However, it is said that the colored tattoos are more dangerous though, that's why a got plain black tattoos.
Another negative point is that it is super expensive!!


  1. Your tattoos look super nice! I can't wait to get some myself ~

  2. I love your tattoos! I will get some too someday

  3. Didn't know the one your wirst was in two parts :o

  4. Even if I can admit that tattoes are pretty, I think I will never get tattoed. Why ? Because if I buy a Ferrari, I think I will not add stickers on it (calm down, I know it's a silly joke).

  5. Your tattoos are beautiful, it looks very nice, even if I will never get some tatoos...
