Saturday, March 08, 2025

Random facts


Random facts 

hey guys

so how many times have you reached the end of a conversation with a person and wondered how you could be more interesting ? 
well i have never thought that because im the most entertaining person i know but if you are in this situation let me help you with this list of random facts (some aren't real but i honestly thing they should be)

A cloud weighs around a million tonnes. A cloud typically has a volume of around 1km3 and a density of around 1.003kg per m3 – that's a density that’s around 0.4 per cent lower than the air surrounding it 

A chicken once lived for 18 months without a head. Mike the chicken's incredible feat was recorded back in the 1940s in the USA. He survived as his jugular vein and most of his brainstem were left mostly intact, ensuring just enough brain function remained for survival. In the majority of cases, a headless chicken dies in a matter of minutes.

The fear of long words is called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. The 36-letter word was first used by the Roman poet Horace in the first century BCE to criticise those writers with an unreasonable penchant for long words. It was American poet Aimee Nezheukumatathil, possibly afraid of their own surname, who coined the term how we know it in 2000.

Comets smell like rotten eggs. A comet smells like rotten eggs, urine, burning matches, and… almonds. Traces of hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and hydrogen cyanide were all found in the makeup of the comet 67P/Churyumove-Gerasimenko. Promotional postcards were even commissioned in 2016 carrying the pungent scent of a comet.

Fish form orderly queues in emergencies. When evacuating through narrow spaces in sketchy situations, schools of neon tetra fish queue so that they don’t collide or clog up the line. Scientists interpreted this behaviour as showing that fish can respect social rules even in emergency situations, unlike us humans. 

Animals can be allergic to humans. Animals can be allergic to our dead skin cells – dander. These allergic reactions can be just like ours, too, including breathing difficulties and skin irritation.

Beavers don't actually live in dams. Technically,beavers live in a loge that they build behind a dam, within a deep pool of water.

One in 18 people have a third nipple. Known as polythelia, the third nipple is caused by a mutation in inactive genes.

You can actually die laughing. And a nulber of people have, typically due to intense laughter causing a heart attack or suffocation. Comedy shows should come with a warning.

i hope this will help any of you out there who struggle from being boring (it gets better i promise) 
use these facts wisely


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