Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Fibula

The Fibula

I recently broke my fibula by falling in the wrong position when I was climbing… it is very annoying and my whole leg is now paralysed so it can heal. It made me realise how useful this bone is. So, I chose to write an article about it so everyone can know why it is not a good idea to break their fibula.

What is it and where is it?

The fibula is a leg bone on the lateral side of the tibia. It is smaller than the tibia but connected to the top and bottom of the tibia. Its upper extremity is pretty small, and it is right below the knee joint. The fibula goes all the way to the ankle joint. 


Why is it useful?

The fibula does not really support any weight of the body but since it is connected to the knee and the ankle it helps being more stable and it has grooves that help multiply the strength of the knee ligaments.

Why you should not break your fibula:

I. It hurts

I think everyone knows this but breaking a bone hurts really bad. I nearly cried for two hours in the hospital when I did not have my plaster on yet and I was shaking from pain. If you are lucky maybe you will not suffer too much but in my case, the doctors gave me three different pain killers and none of them worked (HAHA). You can also develop some sort of PTSD (which I did) that works a bit like fantom pain (the pain you still have when you get amputated). For me, when I fell my knee dislocated so I have this weird sensation/pain in my knee that is repeated over and over.

II. It is annoying

Since the fibula is connected to the knee, to help it heal, you need to have your whole leg plastered and you cannot put your foot on the ground. The only way you can walk is by using a wheelchair (“walk”) or crutches. But a wheelchair is very cumbersome and a lot of places are not “disabled friendly” so you cannot go wherever you want and crutches are very tiring to use.


Even if you are not going outside, it is still exhausting at home: to sleep, you need to stay on your back with a pillow underneath your leg so you cannot move, to shower, you need to keep your plaster from getting wet, so you have to put a trash bag with duct tape to protect it. Since you cannot put your foot on the ground you have to sit in your shower but be careful, IT IS WET! To go to the toilets, you need to find a way to not fall when siting (I can assure you that it is very difficult). If you are in a wheelchair everything will be higher than it was before, you will not be able to it at your usual table! And the list goes on…


                                                                           (annoying innit?)

III. You will be bored (for a long time)

As I said, if you break your fibula your whole leg will be paralysed which definitely will not help you move… You will then have a limited number of activities you can do. No more sports, if you were planning to get your driver’s license, NON E POSSIBILE, so no more driving, if you are a musician, no more drums or no more playing the piano with pedals, no more tanning your whole body etc… You will need to find other activities like drawing or playing video games. I personally just want to climb again right now but I will not be able to for at least another TWO MONTHS because of HOW LONG FIXING THIS BONE IS! 



I. The 911 guys

You will probably be saved by some handsome, nice and strong guys that will carry you to the hospital like a princess!


II. The plaster

You will have a beautiful (and VERY BIG) plaster where all your friends can draw!


I hope that you liked my article and that you will not want to break your fibula (it is really not a good idea I promise), thank you for reading and stay safe! (Not like me)


                                                              (yes I feel like Jefferies right now)


  1. Ok ok, very good article. It gave me the envy to break my fibula... No just kidding, you just did the opposite effect (as if I wanted to break my fibula at first). But, you know: break a leg!

  2. OMG I want to break a bone so I can marry a 911 guy!!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey, I hope that you're doing better, it doesn't seem really cool to break that kind of bone… I hope that it will never happen to me, but I have been pretty lucky about that because I've never been hurt badly or broken one of my bone… Thank you for your great article !

  5. Hi Myrtille! First of all, I'm sorry that you broke your fibula (even if you actually didn't). I think it's funny that you wrote about why I souldn't break my fabula because I was planning on doing it (spoiler: you conviced me not to do it so thanks). No but seriously, your writing is very entertaining, clear and easy to understand, I love your touch of humor and irony and I find your article very interesting and complete!

  6. I'm so sorry for your fibula but I hope the 911 guy was worth the broken bone...

  7. It hurts just reading your article! I hope I will never break my fibula and even if it means I'll never be rescued by a handsome 911 guy...

  8. Hello! I hope you recovered ! I have never broke any bone and since I always saw a lot of people wearing cast, I always wanted one because I'd love to have people drawing on it, because the cast should be colorful. Also, having the 911 guy carry you looks worth it. But, I don't want to have all that inconvenience of wearing a cast so I hope I will never broke something in my body


  10. Ok, this article did not make me want to break that bone because it looks really painful and very impractical. Anyway I wasn’t planning on breaking any particular bones but if I do I really hope it won’t be the fibula.

  11. Ok so here's my plan to get rescued by some handsome/pretty 911 person WITHOUT breaking my fibula. First, I'll get on the ground, obviously I can't pretend I broke a bone if I'm not on the floor. Then I'll think about how the summer break is over and it'll make me cry. And finally, I'll call 911, and they'll come and see me sitting on the ground, crying, needing to be rescued. Easy plan (reminder that it's illegal in real life don't go to prison just to get rescued by the handsome 911 guy.)
