Wednesday, September 08, 2021


Why you should DEFINITELY read « Pietra viva » by Léonor De Récondo.

Sorry, sorry, it’s not english litterature… And even if the title brings confusion, this book is French. But if you liked « The song of Achilles » [that you also MUST read but I wouldn’t talk abou it because there is a bookclub about it coming soon] you also shoul like this one.


In this book, we follow a part of Michelangelo’s life [ yes the stone-cutter] right after a « close friend » death. [we know what « close friendship » between males in the 16th century means guys ;) ] He flies away from the sadness and find hospitality in the Carrara quarries while he tries to find the best pieces of marble to sculpt the Pope’s tomb. He will meet new people, personalities and therefore new points of views on things.

This book is first of all a beautiful way to see and describe mournings and a very interesting aspect of the job of stone-cutter. It’s very philosophical [but not boring at all] and, most of all, very poetic].

What I liked the most in this book :

* The descriptions are incredible !

Everything is depicted in a beautiful way, very poetic and a lot of passages are very moving. But it’s not too boring [because I know that too much description kills the description] because the author chose very wisely what she should take time to depict and what she shouldn’t.

* The passion of the art

The profession of stone-cutter is so well described that even us, the audience, can feel what Michelangelo is feeling cutting the stone, modeling it [and unless you’re very special or a liar I’m not sure you already cut a piece of marble].

* The passion of the human

Love, what a beautiful feeling. A mix of admiration, even envy a little, anger sometimes, maybe pain, but in all cases it’s beautiful, magnifiscent, sweet. Well, it’s also what is described in this story. It’s not a love story but a story about love. [I dont know if I’m really clear on that one but read it and you’ll see;) ]

* It’s only 181 pages, come on, next to dracula it’s nothing !

* The quotes

You know this kind of quotes that you can use at any time, the reflexions that create a storm in your mind ? Well here they are. I’ll share with you some of the shorter quotes I personally loved down below because I’m generous ofc. And yes I’ll translate them, I’m not a monster…

- « How many years has he not let his heart explode?”

- “Andrea you are the beauty that i will never know how to reach with my chisel. You are the ultimate proof of the superiority of nature over my art.”

- “His emotion is so bright that it licks his entrails.”

I’m afraid the other ones will spoil you but here’s a foretaste of this masterpiece. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did, and I hope I didn’t scared you because of my excitement. Thank you for reading this article, I didn’t post anything for so long, I’m sorry !

Take care ! <3

P.S: Here's a link if you want to get to know the author more, she is fascinating!

And I will NOT put a link for you to buy it, buy it in the small business/ libraries/ bookshops! 


  1. Hello Alais! This article was really informative and interesting, thank you :)
    I'll definitely be adding this book to my non-OIB reading list, haha. Also thank you for translating those quotes, they really look great (honestly it was translated better than a lot of French to English translations).

    1. I'm really happy this article inspired you! I hope you'll like it and thank you I'm flattered to seem a better translator than google trad aha ;)

  2. Hi!
    You really made me want to read this French book, I feel like this book is full of love and art. I read the wikipedia page on the author and she looks fascinating !!
    These quotes are beautiful and i can't wait start reading this book!
    Thank you for this recommendation, I am clearly going to buy and read it :)

    1. I'm happy we have the same taste in literature! If you like looong poetic and beautiful sentences and metaphors you'll definitely love it. Thanks for your comment <3
