Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Cryptic Crosswords Example!

Heyo! Caleb here! I presented the cryptic crosswards club (aka the best club) at the intergration picnic and since it's a little hard to really explain what it is, here is the page we had for the yearbook (aka the second best club pls join). I invite everyone, but especially those who signed up to try your hand at solving this one! The answers are at the bottom if you can't get it and feel free to ask me to explain any clue that you dont understand :)

Some hints to get you started: 
First or Initially in a clue could indicate the first letter of the next word(s)
Weird, Bizzare or Absurd in a clue usually means that there is an anagram!
Inside or in means that there is a word hidden in another word or that two words are mixed together!
Usually the clues aren't direct, we use a lot of synonyms (ex: rodent could imply rat or mouse)

Don't stress too much and don't consider it work, look at it more like a puzzle you solve for fun!

(also sorry for the bad quality ._. )



  1. Oh man, this one was really hard! I'm bad at riddles and crosswords, so...
    I can't wait to start participating in the crossword club though, it looks amazing!
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. This seems really hard but also fun if you solve a word, anyways, have a good weekend

  3. It seems really hard! I really suck at this kind of games though

  4. Thank you for sharing this article, now I know what to wait for when I join the cryptic crosswords club, and also the fact I will be struggling really hard at solving these, they are really complicated !

  5. I am so bad at crosswords and that type of game in general, but I can't wait to join the cryptic crosswords club. I had so much fun trying to solve this one ( even though I had to check the answers every single time because i couldn't find any )!
