Thursday, June 10, 2021

How to prepare a concert

Hi Charlie! Summer is approaching, the restrictions due to the Covid are reducing, so that means the concerts are back! With my group we have planned some: indeed the Talent show, but also the "Fête de la musique"… With all this, I thought it would be interesting to show you how to prepare a concert. Without further ado, let's get started!

1) The selection of songs

It all starts with that, and it's not the easiest task by any means! The selection technique I use with my band is the most used one: depending on the event and thus on the atmosphere wanted for it, we try to find songs that could fit the theme. For example, for the Talent show, playing our compositions would not have been possible because not many people like metal so we will play covers of softer band (but will still a lot of good energy don’t worry 😌).

Then, the songs chosen have to fit the vocal capacities of the singer. If the notes are too high or too fast it just won’t be possible to do the song. Another thing to take into account is if the vocalist plays an instrument while singing. Ours plays the bass guitar too, so if the bass parts are too difficult, he won’t be able to do both at the same time.

Finally, there is also the time limit of the concert (if there is one) but this is something that must be calculated from the beginning because it is better to have too many songs than not enough.

2) Rehearsing the songs

Firstly, Each musician learns the songs independently of the group, which allows them to be perfected during rehearsals. What we like to do is to rehearse the songs one by one and then play the whole setlist as if in concert conditions to avoid all possible unforeseen events and to work out the transitions. This step should take a lot of time so that playing the songs becomes automatic. For instance, with my band, we started rehearsing for the Talent show and other concerts a month ago, 10 hours a week.

3) Preparation of the material for transport

The most important thing is to first make sure that the amps are suitable for the venue: too big an amp for a small stage and none of the musicians will be able to hear each other, too small an amp for a large stage and the audience will hear nothing of the concert. For example, we made sure to buy a bigger amp for the vocals this time, because last year we couldn't hear them. Then, depending on the means of transport, it is necessary to manage the quantity of transported material which is not an easy task. Finally, using crates and covers will ensure that nothing is damaged.

Example of a rehearsal room

4) Sound check

At the concert venue, once everything is set up, it is indeed time to adjust the volumes and frequencies of each instrument. Only experts know this, but frequencies are as important as volume when it comes to getting along with other instruments. If a guitar amp has too much bass, the bass player won't be able to hear himself, so rectifying it is paramount. As for the volumes, the drummer can't adjust them on his drum set, so you just have to tune to it. This process is more or less long and difficult depending on the environment (outside or inside, resonance of the room...) but it is not to be neglected. For example, at the Talent show last year we didn't have time to do it, so I couldn't hear myself, so I played louder and so I broke a string on my guitar playing too loud. These are things that happen and that make you gain experience.

5) The concert in itself

Normally, if all the above steps are followed, the concert should go well. You just have to release the stress in this kind of moments, because the audience feels the emotions of the musicians, so if there is a mistake in the performance because of stage fright and the whole band looks terrified, it will be noticed much more than if it seemed normal. People often remember the atmosphere of a concert more than the quality of the playing, so you have to give it your all and try to have a good time!

I hope that this article showing you the backstage of such an event will have interested you, and thus I'll see you soon at the Talent show, come numerous!

Ps: I won't tell you the songs we're going to play so that you can them discover on the day of the event. I’m keeping the surprise effect 😏



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi William, I found your article really fascinating, we could definitely see how passionate you are. It’s incredible to know so many things! Well first of all I didn’t know that all this organisation was needed for a concert. There are many steps, each important and not to miss. Thank you, now I will be able to go to a concert and to tell to my friends or my family how it was prepared, or I can even do one now that I know how to do it!

    1. Hello! Thanks for your constructive comment! Well I've been doing quite a lot of concerts with my band and I like the shows to be perfect so that's probably why organisation is key here. Keep me posted if you do concerts eheh

  3. Hello William, what a complete article! You seem to know a lot of things about concerts! Now I will know how to prepare concerts myself (may happen you never know). Thank you for this great article, I learned a lot of things.
    Marcaggi Ulysse, 211

    1. Hi, well I'm glad that you learnt more about this and same thing as for Maïa, keep me posted for your concerts haha (or come to mine (noticed the subtle advertisement here?))

  4. Hello, thanks for this interesting article.I'm keen on music and I have been to a lot of concerts, but I have never realized how much work it was to prepare a concert ! Now that I know, I will try to enjoy even more everytime I go to a concert. And finally thanks for the tips,I will show this to my friends and we will try to organize one.

    1. Hi! Yeah it is a lot of work, hours and hours of rehearsing every song and checking the material, but the result is great!

  5. wow, I didn't realize that a concert required so much preparation!

    1. Yes but it's cool to do, I tend to get excited for nothing while doing the concert preparation that's pretty funny
