Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sweet Story by a Sweet Girl (Maud)

     Hello Charlie! As we were in vacations, I decided to write a story in order to celebrate the free and nice time we had ! Anyway I'm done chatting around so let's enjoy what I prepared!

She grabbed her bag and hastened out of the classroom. In the halls students were talking loud, laughing about a new teacher and teasing each other. Holidays were in all thoughts and the last school day had finally come. She wondered " Isn't it ironic? The school appears even more alive now than during the whole semester." Indeed relief could easily be noticed even for the teachers. The last copies had been given and others, stored in a precious pouch. She went down stairs and surprised an embraced couple. " Come on it's not like if he was going to war, either", thought she, while she was discreetly observing them with envy.

" Oh here you are vicious young lady!" suddenly she said..

"What are you talking about? I was looking for Miss Forbay!" replied the girl.

" Yeah I'm sure that kissing your boyfriend will help you to find her!"

" Hahaha you're hilarious, you know that? Aren't you happy? It is holidays at last!"

" Well I guess it is good news..." she replied.

" Which exam did you flunk?" interrupted the girl.

" What? I flunked nothing! Wh-"

" Oh shut up Juliett! I know you more than anyone. You begin to have this ironic old tone of humor, you're even more pessimistic than him, pointed her boyfriend, so what did you flunk?"

" French exam.."

" The grade?"

" 6 out of 20."

" That's not bad, it is four points from the average." suddenly said Finn.

"Thank you for your support honey but please don't interrupt! " replied June with humor.

Finn rose his eyebrows and set down looking at the two girls with such a passivity than June turned her back to him, annoyed.

" So what?, asked she, you did not succeed to this exam and ? It is not like if you were called to war! You will do better another time, you should not leave your grades lead your emotions especially when it is holidays!"

" I know, I know."

" Well if you know, be aware next time that a grade does not always have to reflect your level neither influence your feelings. Just as you might have to improve your way of working French, improve your way of thinking. Do not be so negative with yourself. Plus, everyone, at least once in their life, borrow a less good road and screw up."

A long silence settled itself between the three friends and Juliett begins to laugh.

" She is disranged" said Finn.

" No she understood and she is happy, that's the point boy."

We could hear some doors and window being closed across the walls of the school accompanying by some last discussions and goodbyes. The school was sunk into silence and emptiness. Finn and June finally went back home. Juliett required to stay a little bit longer. She observed the edifice which now looked abandoned to itself. It freed up a sort of nostalgia and melancholy just like she was talking with her teacher earlier.
She thought ironically " Well, I guess everything, even the more alive ones have a gothic appearance hidden somewhere. The school which seems so frequented a few minutes ago is now drowned into darkness and desolation. Even my grades have their gothic aspect sometimes which demand peace and holidays! It suddenly sounds much better with this metaphora!"

She smiled and running to the gates she gave herself to rest and holidays with the promise of revenge.

PS: Guys, this is Maud's article, she couldn't post it herself so I did for her. Please send her a message directly to congratulate her for this article. Thankssss!!!

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