Tuesday, November 19, 2019

My favourite niche departments in France

Hello Charlie,
today, I want to talk to you about a subject that I feel is not talked about enough: how some places in France are constantly mocked for no reason. So, today, I want to write something about each and every one of my favourite French departments.

  • 1: Ain. 
    • I really like the vivid life of Bourg-en-Bresse, and I think that the industrial zone of this lovely village is very much overlooked when people think about Ain. Moreover, there's an homophony between "1" and "Ain" in French, and the Ain is the 1st department, so it's funny, so I like it :)
A map of Ain

  • 2: Calvados. 
    • This department bears my favourite place EVER in France: Fresney-le-Puceux, with it's beautiful Neolithic menhir, and it's ancient castle. Moreover, the food in this cute little department is very rich and thus you can prepare for a possible hibernation.
The beautiful city of Fresney-le-Puceux

  • 3: Lozère. 
    • What I really like about this department is that there's not much to do, and thus you can really focus on a deep introspection. When one meets Lozère, one meets themselves. When one discovers Lozère, one discovers their true nature, in the complete void that is this amazing department. Moreover, because of the total absence of population in Lozère (approximatively 15 inhabitants by squared meter), one may go for a week without seeing a human being, which we can all agree is nice.

  • 4: Creuse. 
    • Again, this is a department for those who want to meet a form of meditation that no one ever felt. Indeed, because of the severe lack of any form of activity in this department, and because civilisation did not make it to there, Creuse is preserved from any corruption.

  • 5: Nièvre. 
    • What I like about Nièvre is that no one knows about it. Because I'm a typical Aquarius, I like to be different, and thus I put this department in my list of favourites.
My favourite place in Nièvre

  • 6: Ariège. 
    • This department is really great because of it's banality. Today it's so hard to find people/objects/departments that are not trying to be constantly different from others. Ariège is not like other departments because it is absolutely basic.
The stylish logo of Ariège

  • 7: Haute-Saône. 
    • Truly what brings this department up in my ranking (it was a tie between Vendée and Haute-Saône for this 7th place) is the main city: Vésoul. Indeed, this is truly the best city I have ever had the chance to see! It is so vivid, and it really makes me wonder why some people talk about such things as the "void diagonal".

Well, that's it for today, I hope this list has helped you have a different view on these amazing departments, because I find it really fascinating to spend time in each and every one of these. 
Do good today!


  1. To be honest , I didn't even these departments even existed , I only know paris and Marseille because of soccer. But I really like how you associate your peace with these places , it's beautiful .

    1. Well I'm happy I helped you discover these, because they truly are the definition of inner peace

  2. wow Linox what a great article!! i'm sad you didn't talk about my favourite department, home of so many good fromages and beaufs, the all-mighty Jura!!
    by the way, i wonder if something will come up on the blog on the same subject in a very short amount of time like maybe today or tomorrow… who knows? not me

    1. Well, god only knows how much I love Jura... But it still have too much inhabitants for my taste though, so I cannot really find peace there.

    2. honestly you'd change your mind if you ever visited my grand parents, who live in a town with a total of 10ish habitants, and everyone's from the same family, including the mayor (tho that doesn't mean much because my grandma's family's so big they even have a city named after them :DDD)

    3. Well maybe I will search for inner peace in cheese then... May Juras be with me

  3. also………… do good today bieeeech

  4. okay now this is just a comment for the sakes of comment so that your article becomes amongst the most popular of the blog, help us in this task yall

  5. how have I just now discovered this masterpiece of an article ? Absolutely mind-blowing, a full journey from start to finish, lovin it
    (don't disrespect Calvados my native land and my one true love though)
