Monday, November 18, 2019

Trio, by Mark Jane

Hi Charlie !
I need to talk to you about a play I’ve seen and that is just wonderful. Actually, it will more be about a comedian because he’s English and the play was in France but we’ll not be staged anymore I guess as he went back to England. Anyway. Here is what I have to tell you :

A few days ago, I went at the Divaldo théâtre, that I hope you know, for an evening outing with two shows. The first one was on relationships between men and women, and the second one was called “Trio”, and it’s the one I want to talk to you about.

Basically, the main actor, who is also the playwright, explains you that he has chosen two people, a man and a woman, to come with him on stage, to act in the play. At that moment, when he is still solo, you just expect not to be chosen at all because it’s very comfortable to stay in your seat.

But once he has chosen these two people, the show starts. He asks the audience which subject we want the show to be about (yes, because it’s an improvisation show – I forgot to mention and I apologize Charlie !) and when we have selected the title, it starts !

When I saw it, the chosen topic was “L’affaire du talon aiguille”, and it was extremely well narrated, especially because it could deal with whatever happened and interact very well with every fact that was done either by the audience or by the two people on stage with him. It was really an incredible experience and I would love to see such a show again !

The actor’s name is Mark Jane.

Here is the show’s poster :

And if you look his name up on the internet, you can see that he did several improvisation shows in French and in English.

And by the way, little wink to our lit teachers, when he asked the genre we wanted the play to be about, someone said “dystopia” (well “dystopie” actually but anyway) and he replied “you’re strange here in Marseille, what’s a “dys-to-pie” ?”

But even if he did not know what it is, it was an incredibly nice and interesting show which could also learn you some things about how to deal with others, et cetera.

I’m sure he’ll be back one day and I’m sure anyone would enjoy to go and see his show, so feel free to follow him : Mark Jane !

Well, Charlie, I’ll see you later ! (I have loads of ideas of what to write about ! so I’ll be back.) 


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